Course selections time again...


I hafta pick 5 courses for my Winter 2003 semester. This is my 2A semester at Waterloo.... so here is what I'm thinking:

1 - Math 236 - Linear Algebra II
2 - Math 238 - Calculus III
3 - Computer Science 240 - Software Specification and Abstraction

.... Now 4 and 5 are electives. I was thinking of an English course and Astrophysics I. The possibilities are endless.... I already have some psych and philosophy... any recommendations? ;)
Latin/Greek ethimology
Estetics, Ethics

don't know which course you get there :confuse3:
You still don't get why, for the sake of the poll, I wanted to count most of Europe as one country, do you? :confuse3: :D
LastLegionary said:
1 - Math 236 - Linear Algebra II
2 - Math 238 - Calculus III
3 - Computer Science 240 - Software Specification and Abstraction

Wow, it's hard to choose, they all sound so fun.


Note extreme sarcasm.[/siz]
well, if you're into the technology field, you can also choose.....


Robotics, A.I. , diffuse logics, digital systems.
/sigh Those are all 3rd year or 4th year courses... I have to choose non-Math (ie non CS too) courses for the first 2 years as electives.
Scanty said:
LastLegionary said:
1 - Math 236 - Linear Algebra II
2 - Math 238 - Calculus III
3 - Computer Science 240 - Software Specification and Abstraction

Wow, it's hard to choose, they all sound so fun.



LastLegionary said:
.... Now 4 and 5 are electives. I was thinking of an English course and Astrophysics I. The possibilities are endless.... I already have some psych and philosophy... any recommendations? ;)

Astrophysics is really cool. I would definately take that course!

How about something in the field of nuclear physics? Always a personal favourite :)
you're going to love data structures.

i've made some nice algorithms for custom data structures, something like a list in which each node has a pointer to another list, and each node of that list has pointers to other stuff........
Yeah, I just need to go back and re-read the C++ book now, it's been almost a year since I've had a programming class.
trust me on this one, don't do "C++ like" pointers (called references), use C pointers.
I've never had C, only C++, can you tell me the difference it 100 words or less?
C = Structured programming paradigm.
C++ = Object-Oriented programming paradigm.
(is paradigm a word?)

Basically, in C you can only use functions, and in C++ you can use classes and objects, inheritance, polimorphism and all the advantages of OOP.

typical function prototype declaration using C pointers
void function(int *iptr,float *fptr);
you call this function by doing

prototype declaration using C++ references
void function(int &iref,float &fref);
call to that function:

references have advantages, but you can get confussed when you're doing more than one indirection.
(is paradigm a word?)

We just call them languages.

Ok, I think I see the difference, just a different way of calling the function, basically.
it goes beyond that.....the declaration is different too, and the use of variables is very different too.

void main(void)
     int myvar;     

     /* C call */

     /* C call */

/* C function */
void cfunction(int *iptr)

/* C++ function */
void cppfunction(int &iref)

in both cases, myvar will end up with a value of 5.