Cow grazing gum chewers! KILL, KILL, KILL

Uki Chick

New Member
Let's get some good advise on how to deal with this situation. Here's the scenario.

Our desks at the office are pretty close to one another. I of course get stuck with a woman behind me, maternity leave replacement, and a family member of one of my co-workers, that chews gum like a cow grazing. All I hear, day in day out, is this nasty ass sound of her chewing gum with her mouth open. I don't know how to tell her without her getting angry with me or having others get angry with me because of it. It's a delicate subject. I'm almost ready to turn around and tell her to keep her fucken mouth shut or don't chew gum at all. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have any ideas.
just tell her straight up...cuz eventually you are just gonna snap and scream it at her, at least i would....this way you can be tactful. :D
PuterTutor said:
"Pardon me, but do you know you sound like a cow grazing?"

I'd love to just say that, but she's as old as my mom if not older. It's touchy!

Tonks! I agree, but I even asked my boss. My boss said to turn around and say "did you say something?" or "sorry, I thought I heard a strange sound". I'm not sure that would work. I'm thinking of writing her an email.
:lol2: @ PT

you could try and explain that it is not professional, if you think that might work...but i think a simple, "dude, that's driving me crazy." should suffice.
Gimme her phone number at work. I'll call her and tell her i can hear her from here....and its bothering me....
chilli powder. carefully pierce the gum packet and add the powder.


Ask her if she has had a botched nose job......because she obviously has trouble breathing with her mouth closed.


Buy a pair of surgical latex gloves. Collect all the used gum that you can find and sculpt her a new ornament for her desk.


Every time she slops with her gum get everyone in the office to make "mooing" noises.
Squiggy said:
Gimme her phone number at work. I'll call her and tell her i can hear her from here....and its bothering me....

sure no problem!!! I'd love to, but it's not your place to tell her Squiggy. Thanks though!
I've got a stepsister that used to chew gum incessently. She would make little popping bubble sounds with all the time too. I wanted to choke her. She also had this big hairy mole on the side of her cheek that was so big it had it's own zip code. I'd have that damn thing cut off :sick3:
Turn aound and tell her. Just tell her. Flat out.

"Look, can you please chew your gum with your mouth closed."

Up front and forward. Not in any kind of tone of voice, just straight monotone. Look her right in the eye when you say though. Continue looking her in the eye until she agrees.
She sits right behind you? Just turn around real quick with your elbow out and catch her across the back of the head. Works everytime. ya go...when she does it next time, just start vocalizing an oncoming orgasm....keep going with it till SHE approaches you....Then tell her you have a fetish for gum chewing noises....:wink2: Bet she stops.

Edited for Speeling...:retard:
Squiggy said: ya go...when she does it next time, just start vocalizing an oncoming orgasm....keep going with it till SHE approaches you....Then tell her you have a fetish for gum chewing noices....:wink2: Bet she stops.

Where is the hell do come up with this shit man?

Squiggy said: ya go...when she does it next time, just start vocalizing an oncoming orgasm....keep going with it till SHE approaches you....Then tell her you have a fetish for gum chewing noices....:wink2: Bet she stops.


Beats the hell outa my next suggestion of circulating a memo round the office asking for gum chewing to be banned :D
chewing tabacco. and be messy. that will gross her out enough such that she wont want to chew anything in your presence.

either that or get like a box of grape nuts or some peanut brittle or something. and ONLY eat it when she chews her gum.



at worst eveyone else in the office will complain and youll both have to stop.
jesus sounds annoying, I think you should shoot her in the back of the head, of course I say this cause I've been hearing about this woman for the past 3 weeks

love you honey
Mirror her...not while she's doing it, but while she's around. Chew gum with your mouth open...don't look at her but make sure that she notices. She might notice how it makes her look and become self-conscious enough to stop.

or...ask her nicely to respect you enough to not do it outside of normal office environment...parking lot, cafeteria etc...

This is kind of like the "How do you tell someone that their fly is down, or that their nose has a hanger-on.

tact tact tack-their-mouth-shut tact
Switch her gum for laxative gum (to get the really good stuff you need a dr perscription)

She'll prolly still be chewing.........but you shouldn't be able to hear her while she chews in the toilet ;)
Just type her a note on your computer, print it out, lay it on her desk. Nobody has to know who wrote it, and she gets the message.