crazy ass diets


New Member
i heard about this apple an apple beofre every meal and then you can eat what you want of your plate for problem? the apple fills me up...especially when i eat it with a beer, but apples and beer taste good to me. so the funny thing is is that this diet is working. makes me pee alot ever gone on any weird diets?
How about you cut out the'll do wonders to cut off something so calorie heavy from your diet. Alcohol dehydrates you so that peeing is normal.
Buttcrackdivine said:
How about you cut out the'll do wonders to cut off something so calorie heavy from your diet. Alcohol dehydrates you so that peeing is normal.
i think you misunderstand me. i don't drink beer on a regular basis. i like one everynow and again....not to mention that i am a complete lightweight these days anyway...
Apples and beer??!

I would be sick to death of apples after about 6 days. I have a hard time eating the same thing over and over especially if its healthy. All diets suck. No way of getting around it. I prefer doing massive excercise. Then you can pretty much eat what you want. If you want to cut weight do something drastic to your diet AND excercise. If you want to maintain your weight balance your diet with the amount of excercise you do.
when i started this thread i didn't mention my exercise regimen cuz it's kinda dull, but i am cruising along with my abs. i kinda picked my new av to help remind me to do my ab workout, sometimes i space it out. i'm starting to see some improvement but i have a ways to go before i'll be happy. wish i had some little weights, my arms aren't what they used to be, you know, toned? that was the good thing about the navy...always had free workoout equiptment...although back then i was usually too hung over to workout... :)
Am diligently trying to lose weight - kinda succeeding.... I'm not technically on a diet - I've just changed my eating habits so that I eat protein at nights instead of carbs, ie, no pastas.
That combined with yoga and pilates.
re : crazy assed diets

i just gotta say i'm not a fan of diets at all, eat what you want whenever you want i say cause there may come a time when you can't. this happened to me a couple of years ago. i got sick and just couldn't eat, and so i dropped to 33kgs. can you imagine anything more disgusting, a person who is 1.6m tall weighing that small amount? and this was not a dieting thing, i just couldn't eat, i even was seeing several doctors about it and well, lets just say hospitalisation was considered necessary. now i'm a healthy, if not slightly overweight 65kgs, but i'm happy :D
i just exercise my ass off, i've also become more consciencious of my eating habits, or lack thereof. I usually end up eating whatever, whenever if i don't have any plan. what i really need to do is start getting more protein and drop the protein:fat ratio. i've been considering buying one of those enourmous tubs of whey protein, tastes kinda like watered down ovaltine.
I did weight watchers and walked just about every day and lost 50 lbs. But now I can't stick to it anymore. So instead I have been trying to get moderate exercise and try not to stuff myself when I eat meals. It is working slowly, but it is working in general. :D
unclehobart said:
Atkins. I've lost 70 pounds so far.

Isn't that the one that really messes up yer liver and kidneys if yer don't drink 5 gallon of water a day? :confused:

I've never really had to diet.........but I have noticed that as I get older the stomach has a tendency to ...... relax :D (more situps required!).
I guess my idea of a diet is what I do now anyway: 5 - 6 small meals a day with low calories and plenty of water. It's an eating habit I've had for ages because I get sick when I have a big breakfast or I find I get peckish through the day & then overdo it on at the next meal. So instead I have some All Bran with fat free milk (or soy milk) for breakfast and a fruit & yoghurt mid morning. Lunch is usually something like a roll & salad. Another fruit in the afternoon and then dinner which usually has a lot of fresh veggies included. I try not to use too many fats because it makes me feel ill and I don't take in a lot of refined sugars because I hate the taste.

Trying to get back into a proper exercise routine, but I get bored at the gym.
I live on mac and cheese and ramen noodles. Im pefectly fien except for this cough, heart pain, this numb feling in my right arm, a headache and a runny nose...