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Running through the mall, tear streaked face, stiffy in the occurs to sbcanada. kittty blows people up with pies! The stiffy wilts, sb slows to a shuffle turns and sobs into a plastic plant in the middle of the mall.
The seemingly plastic plant turn out to be a not so plastic plant and its tenicales (yes alien plants can have tenticales) rap around sbcanada and pull her/him into the void. Meanwhile Tarez chuckles as he sees an old women suddenly start on fire. Thinking to make a quick sale Tarez runs over and offers to save her if she will buy a computer from his company.
The burning old lady smacks Tarez with her purse because she doesn't want his crappy merchandise. The purse was also burning and it starts Tarez on fire and he runs down the mall in a big blaze of flames.
[can't let this die... add to it]

Buring in flames tarez lukcily found a fountain to jump into and douse the fire. He looked up at the front doors only to see...... see that he is now at the gates of hell. Then he remembered why he was there in the first place: to see the great fountain of beer. :flame: :D
Choosing between hell and a fountain of beer proved almost a challenge for tarez to ran to the fountain of beeter and dived in. Only to discover it was a trick of the big red devils and he instead plugged into hell and proptley met sbcanada who had been haing there since the non plastic plant had drug him in as well.
But the Gods smiled upon Tarez and his quest and endowed him with strange and supernatural powers, and thus he became the mighty superhero Beer Dude, and he had a beer tap on his head with an inexhaustable supply of any flavor of lager pilsner or ale was needed for the occasion. He then staggered off to find fury and flurfmeister and sbcanada and they all drank until sbcanada's homophobia was gone, and fury wasnt so flaming, and flurfmeister didnt feel the need to exploit women....At least for one night there was peace....