Crime and punishment!

Y'know ... I'd be all for legalizing pot and lots of other drugs too ... but you really wouldn't like the restrictions I'd put in place on it. Restrictions like ... 100% equal limitation compared to alcohol. That means that all the teen druggies remain illegal. No public consumption. Random screening and traffic checks. That sort of thing. Not to mention seriously ramping up the severity of charges relating to any abuse of any of the above. Add in taxation equal to that of today's cigarettes, and hand enforcement over to ATF instead of the Narc squad.
Couldn't agree more. Like tobacco, some of that tax money needs to be earmarked for anti-drug programs. I keep telling people that the anti-tobacco folks can show them how to get rid of most drug use. It's easily the most successful anti-drug campaign in history and tobacco is still legal.

When it's all said and done ... I seriously doubt you'd see any reduction in the number of criminal acts relating to drugs compared to today's figures.
I strongly disagree. Even given the fact that punishment can be less severe for minors, most of the criminals are (legally) adults. :shrug:
Y'know ... I'd be all for legalizing pot and lots of other drugs too ... but you really wouldn't like the restrictions I'd put in place on it. Restrictions like ... 100% equal limitation compared to alcohol. That means that all the teen druggies remain illegal. No public consumption. Random screening and traffic checks. That sort of thing. Not to mention seriously ramping up the severity of charges relating to any abuse of any of the above. Add in taxation equal to that of today's cigarettes, and hand enforcement over to ATF instead of the Narc squad.

When it's all said and done ... I seriously doubt you'd see any reduction in the number of criminal acts relating to drugs compared to today's figures.

I like those restrictions just fine.
I know I am gonna sound stupid, but I KNOW there is a difference, but I have no idea what it is.

So what is the difference?

To some they seem minor, but there are differences. It's mainly legalese, and I can't speak for every state.

Ideally, probation is for lesser felonies and all misdemeanors. Parole is for more serious felonies. In TN they can intersect; one can be eligible for probation, be denied, and depending on the length of sentence later get parole.

Parole is designed to be stricter, and in many ways it is, but it also has loopholes that alarm the hell out of me.

Parole is granted by a board; probation by a judge.

To the layman, the simplest way to look at it is this: Parole is generally for the more serious crimes or more frequently convicted offenders, and parole is release after a long(er) period of incarceration.

Some crimes are not probatable. Murder is one in TN; rape is another. Get convicted, and yer GOING to prison for awhile at least. Meanwhile, again in TN, certain sex offenses are probatable while the ones that are not seldom if ever get parole. I know of only one who did. He spent 23 years and was paroled basically to come home and die...he had cancer and the prison didn't want to foot the treatment bill. He lived almost 2 years after he got parolled.

I've had pedophiles on probation and habitual traffic offenders on parole. I never claim it's a perfect system. There is a logic behind it, and with experience you start to understand it even if you don't agree with it. Nobody asked me if I agree with it or not. I get paid the same if I'm talking to Pervy Pervertson or Drunky Driverson. Instead of wasting my energy trying to correct something I won't be able to correct, I instead choose to try and understand why people do what they do, and when possible try to get them to see other ways to live without coloring outside the lines. The lines I didn't draw. A few get it; most don't. I get almost as much repeat business as McDonald's it seems.
People know where I stand on illicit drug legalization.

HOWEVER, they are not legal, this guy knew it was illegal & he still committed a crime.

Life. Harsh but maybe a message will be sent.