Crypt Raider

:shrug: Turn down the speakers? oh, and I've made it to level 27 now. But the level code doesn't seem to work so now I gotta start over. :(
I don't mind the music so much, but it interrupts spinner. :( I've asked a friend if it can be turned off, so I'll wait to see what he says. :D
Okay. I can get to Level 55. Or at least I did last night. I'm in the process of trying to repeat. *hehe*

I think this game is addictive. Very. Or maybe it's my addictive personality.

It's a game of logic and comprehension. Sometimes there's only one answer and you gotta figure it out. Sometime's everything has to be done in a specific order. Sometimes you can mess up and still save yourself. Sometimes you can't.

I think this should be given to applicants in many job fields. :D
PuterTutor said:
Got to here and hit a brick wall.

OOooh. I think I've still only made it to level 62. :s That one looks tough, though.

Freako - I like the mars game,b ut i hate how it restarts from mission one everytime.
Ok, this fucking game is getting under my skin. This is where I'm at now.
Dang, PT. I'm still kinda stuck at level 64. 'Course, by the time I make it that far I'm ready to quit anyway. *lol*
It's becoming an obsession to me. I just know there is a way to do it, I just have to figure out how. :grumpy:

btw, it's level 84 I'm stuck on now.
PuterTutor said:
It's becoming an obsession to me. I just know there is a way to do it, I just have to figure out how. :grumpy:

btw, it's level 84 I'm stuck on now.

*lmao* :worship:

I shall catch up soon . . . If you don't get to level 100 first.