CSI Premiere - TONIGHT!

Does it irritate you when they are on a computer on the show, and there is this clicky-scritchy sound when they scroll or their monitor screen fills? That drives me absolutely batshit insane. Other than that, it's a fantastic show.

And another vote for Marg Helgenberger being hot. :D

My roomie and I watched it :D

After Survivor and before ER :D
Sharky said:
Does it irritate you when they are on a computer on the show, and there is this clicky-scritchy sound when they scroll or their monitor screen fills? That drives me absolutely batshit insane.

Yep, one of the many reasons I don't like the show. :blank:

ER gets my good vote though. :swing:
I thought the premiere was kinda weak, honestly.
Yes, the beeps and bloops of the computers annoys me a bit, like when they're doing a fingerprint search and get a result in 5 seconds (no way it's that fast).

The other thing that gets me is the sound every time they take a picture, and how they don't compose the photo at all before they snap a shot. They just take the same picture four times and the flash goes off when the camera is in motion. But they always have perfect photos.

I was watching a mini-documentary about CSI vs. the real CSI and it was kind of funny. The one thing the real CSI's remarked about was how dark the labs are. The closer you have to look at something, the brighter the room is going to be. And how they always get a resolution to every case in a matter of days. Very rarely do they leave a storyline opened, or an unsolved case.

So who thinks that Grissom is going to go out with the blond chick that transferred to the PD? And Sara is going to get jealous and do/say something she's going to regret? I heard some gossip about this season and something about Grissom but I won't tell you unless you want me to. I heard from the same source that Warrick was going to be married and that turned out to be true.

If you wanna know, PM me. :)
lalalala! I can't hear you! I don't wanna know! lalalala!

It was a good night last night. I sat all alone on the couch with a blankie, and a Timmies, and watched Survivor, CSI, and some other show about FBI profilers with Thomas Gibson and "the boss dude from Dead Like Me". And there were cheesies. And it was good. :eyemouth:
i wasn't extremely impressed either. Nor was I impressed with ER either. You'd think they'd come up with some fabulous openers, but unfortunately, it was all disappointing.

As to Grissom, I think maybe there will be something with the new girl. Sara just drives me nuts. Does she not realize there won't be anything between her and Grissom? He's not interested!!!
Ah but he IS interested. There were two episodes that really showcased how interested he is. One was where a hockey player was killed during a game. Sara and Grissom were sitting alone in the bleachers and he said he didn't like hockey, she said why? He said, baseball is more my game. All those stats and numbers, it's beautiful. She said, since when do you care about beauty? He said, since I met you. :eek:

Then there was the guy about the same age as Grissom who they suspected murdered a young girl that slept with him (and many others). Grissom had this long speech about it in the interrogation room. He basically said, you and me are a lot alike. We both made our career our lives and then we get old and turn around and realize that we're missing something. And someone comes into our life that we could be with but we have to make the decision to let go of our work to have her. You did what I couldn't do. And when she cheated on you, you couldn't handle it.

...cut away to Sara with a pained look on her face who heard the whole thing from behind the double sided mirror...
He basically told her (in very few words) that he can't jeopardize their jobs for a possible relationship. But the blond chick no longer works with them. And he's got a thing for blondes; he screwed up his chance with the bone specialist already. I don't think he'll make the same mistake again.

As for ER, they jumped the shark for me when Lucy and Carter were stabbed and Carter became a druggie. I use to watch it religiously but don't anymore. Did you know Sara Sidle used to be on ER? So was someone else from CSI, can't remember who.
I was busy grading papers ~wants to punch myself for giving so much writing homework~ so I missed it. :crying4:
i have yet to watch a single episode of any of the CSI series.
then again, that is true of just about the entire lineup of all the networks.