Cultural unity


molṑn labé
Staff member
Hundreds of protesters gripped Mexican flags as they marched for immigration reform in the past few weeks, but they say a display of cultural unity is being mistaken as a lack of loyalty to the United States.

The displays turned off many Americans. Conservative talk show hosts admonished the protesters, while everyday people wrote angry letters to the editors of their local newspapers.

Some called for those carrying the Mexican flag to return to Mexico. Others questioned why immigrants demanding rights in the United States would wave symbols of Mexico.

But those who carried them, and scholars of the immigrant community, say that pride in their culture should not be misconstrued as a lack of patriotism in their adopted nation.

"Nobody gets upset with the Irish on St. Patrick's Day," said Gabriela Lemus, director of policy and legislation at the Washington, D.C.- based League of United Latin American Citizens, the group that organized most of the recent protests and is heading the dozens of marches and rallies scheduled across the nation Monday.

I'm yet to see an Irish flag flown atop an upside down American flag. I've yet to see the Irish march in the streets demanding all official documents be written in a foreign language. I've yet to see the Irish insist on our schools create bilingual education.

It's green beer you twit.

yeah gonz the irish have never asserted their ethnicity here or used it politically.

tammany hall? chicago elections?

nope, nothing to see here.
2minkey said:
yeah gonz the irish have never asserted their ethnicity here or used it politically.

tammany hall? chicago elections?

nope, nothing to see here.
Shhh... What the semi-spic doesn't know won't hurt him. ;)

2minkey said:
yeah gonz the irish have never asserted their ethnicity here or used it politically.

tammany hall? chicago elections?

nope, nothing to see here.
"Nobody gets upset with the Irish on St. Patrick's Day,"
This fool limited his statement. If we chose to expand, everybody has some horseshit they want to hide.
A lot of people hate St. Pats, the orange something or other, anyway they brits who hate the irish.
2minkey said:
yeah gonz the irish have never asserted their ethnicity here or used it politically.

tammany hall? chicago elections?

nope, nothing to see here.

Funny that you bring up Tammany Hall, which first forbid Irish members, and the Chicago elections, which were a direct response to a rather long history of oppressing anyone of Irish descent.

Also...those folks were in the US legally, at the time. Corrupt? Sure, but the difference is there. ;)
Gonz said:
I'm yet to see an Irish flag flown atop an upside down American flag. I've yet to see the Irish march in the streets demanding all official documents be written in a foreign language. I've yet to see the Irish insist on our schools create bilingual education.

It's green beer you twit.

The Irish have St. Patrick's Day. The Mexicans have Cinco de Mayo. Everyone drinks green beer on March 17 and eats tacos on May 5. No one gets either day off.

Actually, Cesar Chavez Day is a state holiday in California, so schools, banks and state offices are closed here on that day.
Gonz said:
I've yet to see the Irish march in the streets demanding all official documents be written in a foreign language. I've yet to see the Irish insist on our schools create bilingual education.

Pretty much everyone in Ireland speaks English. I think the English imposed the language on them. Most of Ireland doesn't even speak Irish anymore.
"Nobody gets upset with the Irish on St. Patrick's Day," said Gabriela Lemus, director of policy and legislation at the Washington, D.C.- based League of United Latin American Citizens, the group that organized most of the recent protests and is heading the dozens of marches and rallies scheduled across the nation Monday.

So people don't get upset on cinco de mayo (I assume) everything is even then.

Now if the irish started having protests about irish independence NOT on st. pats day I think people would get angry at the irish to.
Well this thread has turned into a load of crap!

The mess-kin's come here (11 million illegals?)
and remain mess-kin's
and turn vast portions of this city into mess-co
and protest carrying the flag of a foreign power
and speak a foreign tongue and and and

oh never mind learn Spanish eat Taco's and be Mary!
paul_valaru said:
So people don't get upset on cinco de mayo (I assume) everything is even then.

Now if the irish started having protests about irish independence NOT on st. pats day I think people would get angry at the irish to.

That gets right to the apples-and-oranges issue at the root of this putz's argument, doesn't it.

Hey, Gabriella - 1) the vast majorty of those Irish folks you're talking about took the time to become US citizens, and 2) they aren't looking to STEAL the priveledges attcahed to citizenship. Grow a brain.
I wanna piss and moan about them Asians
they come here get married before makin' babies
consistently (as in every year) score at the top of the SAT scores
have the highest graduation rates
have the lowest participation in the welfare programs
and have the lowest rate of incarceration

they are giving the rest of us a bad name!

Hell their street gangs can prolly even shoot straight !?!
Shoot? Hell, their street gangs can kcik your ass, break your neck & eat chop suey...simultaneously...thanks to martial arts.
the issue isn't formalities or things that vary with historical circumstances so much as whether or not an ethnic group asserts its own identity rather than the dominant identity of their host country.

the only problem here is an unregulated border and us not knowing who is crossing as a post 9-11 thing.
They're not simply "Asserting their own identity". They're demanding priveledges they haven't earned, aren't due, and don't want to do the work to qualify for.
like what?

they don't want to "earn" citizenship like many of our european ancestors did, by pretty much just showing up?

mine didn't "earn" citizenship. but, then, they were "desirables" from sweden, who arrived self-funded.
Did they do it legally? Yes? My point made.

The avenues to do it properly exist. These folks have made the choice to do it in a manner which flaunts the law here.

They do it for tax-free income (how do you pay income tax without a tax ID number?), and all the lovely public assistance programs without effective controls. You want to take advantage of that? Do it legally and pay your share of the tax base to pay for it. I'll welcome you with open arms. Otherwise, get the fuck out of my country.
2minkey said:
they don't want to "earn" citizenship like many of our european ancestors did, by pretty much just showing up?
:lol: If they immigrated much after the Civil War (sorry SnP, the "War of Yankee Aggression") They had to be literate in English, able to provide for themselves (so as not to became a drag on the state and it's taxpayers), pay a 50¢ head tax per person and, just by the way, not be Chinese. You know, I was expected to know all this stuff in high school history. :shrug:

That was simply to get in. You actually had to know more about the country's history than most citizens bother to learn today to qualify for naturalization. I think it's still that way, at least it was in the early eighties. Most of us probably wouldn't be able to qualify for citizenship.

The simple fact, as HomeLAN points out, is that there are legal avenues for entry and immigration. If you don't want to use them, stay the fuck out.

Edit: BTW, try to visit Mexico sometime without an entry visa.