Cure for Cancer


molṑn labé
Staff member
What a hard to believe claim...let's hope they're right

January 20, 2005

An international team of scientists believes it has found cancer's master switch with the discovery of a gene they dubbed "Pokemon."

Like the electronic game figures - tiny monsters with bad tempers - the cancer-triggering gene apparently instigates the misbehavior of other cancer-causing genes, leading to tumor formation.

In today's issue of the journal Nature, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, in collaboration with teams in Japan and Britain, announce that the gene plays a key role in starting a malignancy. As a result, scientists now believe they have stumbled upon an important new target for an anti-cancer drug.

NY Newsday
That's very encouraging - hopefully the cure or prevention will follow soon. :cool:

*keeping fingers crossed*
Gonz said:
What a hard to believe claim...let's hope they're right

NY Newsday

Crazy, it may sound, I wish and pray and hope they are right!!!

My "X" husband had a very "RARE" kind of cancer (synovial sarcoma-even more rare where he got it, usually the wrists and knees, his was on the top of his foot) and worst of all, its hereditary (my boys have a 50-50 chance). So, if there is ANY chance in heaven that this could, should, or even would be right, I pray it the brainy guys/gals work hard at it! :mope:
:rofl: @ unc and ka

Cure for Cancer
Cost: 1000
Culture: 4
Requirement: Genetics
Obsolete: none
Effect: 1 unhappy citizen in every city becomes content.