Curso de español

Luis G

Staff member
Based on your votes i decided to make the thread

Palabras del dia:
see = ver
look = mirar
to observe = observar

The order of the conjugations will always be the same: i, you,he/she,we,plural you and they


On latin spanish, there's no vosotros nor vos, which replace you and plural you in Spain's spanish.

Notice how the conjugation of plural you and they is the same, and as far as i can tell right now, is the same for all verbs.
There's one "weird" letter in spanish:

ñ = alt 164
Ñ = alt 165

Curso what is the definition of that? Are we cursing spanish in this thread? :laugh:

What are


in espanol? I can't figure how to get the tilde.
I = yo
you = (with that little line over the u)
he/she = él / ella
we = nosotros/nosotras (masculine/feminine)
plural you = ustedes
they = ellos/ellas (m/f)

All neutral are considered masculine.

Curso = a study course
ALT + 160 should put á, and so on....

to write the ñ use alt+165

Wow, you said it the right way.

to take or to follow a course of study = cursar

¿yo curso español? (a question in spanish need an initial ¿ )
sí, tú cursas español :D :D

If I can do french I can do spanish. So there is no neutral, just feminine or masculine?

Maybe I don't have it or I'm doing it wrong. :confuse3:
Maybe is the code page you're using, i can't write the euro symbol on my computer :confuse3:

Can you do the accents with the ascii codes i wrote?? (á é í ó ú)
¿ found that one :D

Ñññññ with colon
é alt 130
the other alts don´t work
oh found ´ áéíóú aha!!!! :D

no alts, added spanish mexico to the keyboard :cool:

español :D

yo veo ñ :D
you're doing pretty good Leslie, now try doing some senteces with the verbs i posted.

s4: :confuse3:
Originally posted by L. Summerton
s4 - continúe soñar :p

Luis I need some nouns to make sentences with :D

friend = Amigo/a (m/f)
water = agua
desktop = escritorio
sky = cielo

Here are the previous words of the day:

Palabras del dia:[/]
see = ver
look = mirar
observe = observar

Palabras del dia:[/]
computer = computadora
speed = velocidad

Palabras del dia:[/]
water = agua
beer = cerveza

Words of th day.
word = palabra
of = de
the = el/la (i must remind you that sustantives are male/female too)
day = día (with that little line above the i)
the complete sentence would be: palabra de el día, but "de el" is incorrect and should be replaced for del: palabra del día
I need the conjugations of "to be","to have"and the possessive "my"

yo veo agua
¿tú observas el computerdora?
Mi día es May 23 :D
my = mi
your = tu (without the accent)
his/her = su
our = nuestro
their = su

Here comes something extra....possesive referring to more than one thing:

my cars = mis carros
your cars = tus carros
his/her cars = sus carros
our cars = nuestros carros
their cars = sus carros

Birthday = cumpleaños

psst, computadora is feminine, la computadora[/siz]
to be and to have are a completely confussion....

Only present conjugations.

to be = ser
i am = yo soy
you are = tú eres
he/she is = él/ella es
we are = nosotros somos
"plural you" are = ustedes son
they are = ellos son

to have = haber
i have = yo he
you have = tú has
he/she have = él/ella ha
we have = nosotros hemos
"plural you" have = ustedes han
they have = ellos han

to have is tricky for me, please correct me if i use it wrong. (have, has, had are tricky and i get confused)
I'm going to have to print that out :eek:

¿Ellos han carros?
Tu has computerdora.
Luis es mi amigo.
Mi cumpleaños es May 23.
¿Tu cumpleaños es...?
Ustedes han cerveza.
Yo soy tu amigo.
Ellos son observan carros. (they are watching?)
or Ellos son observar carros.
Originally posted by L. Summerton
I'm going to have to print that out :eek:

¿Ellos han carros?
Tu has computerdora.
Luis es mi amigo.
Mi cumpleaños es May 23.
¿Tu cumpleaños es...?
Ustedes han cerveza.
Yo soy tu amigo.
Ellos son observan carros. (they are watching?)
or Ellos son observar carros.

So that means i wrote it properly in english, for a moment i thought that it should be he/she has ?(

Hrmmm, i think i misundersood "to have", the verb haber does not indicate possesion, it is used like in "i've been there"

present, verb have (possesion)
have = tener
i have = yo tengo
you have = tú tienes
he/she has = él/ella tiene
we have = nosotros tenemos
"plural you" have = ustedes tienen
they have = ellos tienen

I will appreciate if someone points me my english mistakes. ;)