Cut off from my mum...


New Member
I don't usually post stuff about my family problems, but I just feel like I wanna speak out about this.

My mum divorced my dad in 1986, and since then she'd brought me and my brother up on our own. 5 years later, after a string of failed relationships, she met this guy, Ken.

Ken was the epitome of Mr Nice Guy. He'd do anything for anyone. At work (policeman) he was considered to be one of the best police officers on the force due to his commitment and determination. A model citizen, as some may depict him to be.

In 1994, he asked us all to move in with him, as his ex-wife had divorced him and left the house to go with another bloke, so we did.

Then the problems started.

At first it was what seemed little things; arguing over who put the car on the drive, why someone hadn't hoovered their room that day. Then it got progressively worse, to things like smashing plates because they weren't put away after being washed, or ripping up homework books because something as small as one part of a question hadn't been completed, etc etc.

Now, I don't know how and I don't know why, but I'd always thought there was something about him; like he was putting on a false front or something. I didn't want to say anything because we'd been happier than we'd ever been before.

My relationship with Ken was never good because of my reservations about him. He didn't understand why and he thought it was because I was jealous of him, so in 1995, he sent me to a child psychologist to find out. I could sense that my mum thought it was strange, but neither me nor her said anything.

Fast forward a little to spring 1996, and whilst at school, a PE teacher noticed not one or two, but 83 small bruises on my brother's legs. Social Services were called in, as the initial cause was thought to be Ken. My brother has never said who or what did them, but I made it clear that I had made my judgement. Obviously this stressed everyone's relationships and we moved in with my nan until we got a council house in summer 1997.

Relationships got a whole lot better for the next two years we were in the council house, but there were still arguments whenever he came round. In 1999, he asked us to move into a new house he'd just bought. When Mum asked me, I immediately said "No", but being the naive 15-year-old I was, she soon talked me round.

Now, here's the most serious part for me. Not a month after we moved in, but they were arguing again. Me and my brother were in bed, and I was instantly woken by the sound of my mum screaming and him shouting "you like it don't you, fucking slag?!". I went back to sleep crying, realizing the worst had happened. That next morning, I woke up for school and my mum was already downstairs cooking breakfast. I said to her "I know what happened and I'm gonna report it if it ever happens again". She told me to tell Ken, and I did, but he just said back to me "go ahead and report it, but it's none of your fucking business". Ever since that day, I've always had a deep hatred for him, even though I've tried to suppress it.

I'll summarize the next couple of years:

  • numerous arguments, resulting in me, my brother, and my mum moving in with Nan for a while.
  • him begging us back, us going back, and the same cycle repeating;
  • him having a car accident in late 1999, leaving him with a broken back.

In September 2001, I went to university, and the minute he and my Mum left, I just smiled, cos I knew I'd gotten away from him.

Quick fast forward to February of this year, and he popped up again! If I wasn't close to hitting him when he took the piss out of Daniel dying, I nearly fucking killed him when I found out my mum walked in on him WITH ANOTHER WOMAN.

Right, now you all know a little of the history, I'll reveal the bugbear of this whole saga. After the other woman thing, my mum lived with my nan for almost 3 months.

The last time I was home, I explained my feelings to her. I basically said that I would support her in whatever she does, but if she ever, EVER goes back to him, I'll not go back to or contact the house, and she'll only see me at my nan's. She understood this, as she finally realises that my hatred for him won't go away.

Imagine my surprise then, when on Saturday I receive a phone call from my nan, saying that she'd gone back to live with him. To say I'm livid is a vast understatement, but what makes it worse is that my mum is now saying that I must ring her and she's very upset that I won't speak to her while she's there (which I really do understand), AND I have received a text message from Ken saying "Fucking grow up arse hole, u've upset ur Mum not me! Still jealous are we? Nothing to do with you so accept the situation."

That's all well and good for him, but what I'd really like him to explain is how in God's name I can accept this "situation" when it means me having limited contact with my own mother?!

I know it's self-imposed and there will be some of you who think that I am indeed being immature, but my opinion is that I'm almost 20 years old, and I have to stand up for what I feel whilst attempting to get into my mother's head the fact that "a leopard doesn't change his spots".

Sorry for the verbosity of this post; I am extremely angry right now and I just needed to get stuff off my chest.
I understand that you needed to get it off your chest. I hope the dick-weed leaves forever and it all works out. Although that might not be the case, I still wish you good luck working stuff out with your mom.
:hug: Jon

Unfortuinately there are too many people like that out there and if some one "loves" one of them he or she will not see their true colours until they are ready.

I have never been in the situation but I can understand you not wanting to contact your mum while she is there. Just as long as you're there for her the next time this guy fucks up her life that is the moe important thing. Just keep hoping this will be the time that she realizes.
Oh man. My Mom went back to a guy that had cheated on her once. I didn't talk to her for almost a year, but she soon realized the guy was never going to change too. Hopefully your Mom will too. Wish I had better news, but it's hard for people, especially older people to face life alone. Your mom probably feels like she doesn't have a chance at getting another man at her age, and will take Ken simply because he will take her. It's sad, but so true in many cases.

I wish you the best, Jon and will be thinking of you.

You can't force your Mom to do anything but hopefully she will realize in time if he's not good for her or you and your siblings. I hope it works out for you but I understand why you don't want to be around him.
Sounds like a tough situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I know exactly how you feel. I'm not going to lie and tell you it'll all work out somehow, though, if your mom is anything like mine, pigs will fly before she changes, or even listens to a word you say.

One question. You got brothers you said, right? Any older brothers? Any really good size friends? A little persuasion goes a long way. Just let him know that anything he does to mum will be returned to him ten-fold. I'm sure you can find some blokes there at school that would be glad to help if you even told them a small part of the history.
PuterTutor said:
A little persuasion goes a long way

Jon said:
At work (policeman) he was considered to be one of the best police officers on the force due to his commitment and determination

i dont think that would be a good idea PT...

Jon, i dont think you are being immature in the least. in fact, i think the limits you have set and the fact you have explained the reasoning to your mom is the best you can do. you were able to set limits and let her know she doesn't have to choose between the 2 of you.

PuterTutor said:
Your mom probably feels like she doesn't have a chance at getting another man at her age, and will take Ken simply because he will take her.

sadly, i agree.

best wishes from here too.
Yeah, maybe not. Why is it some of the biggest dicks I've ever met have been cops? Is it the profession that attracts dicks or is the the profession that creates dicks.
Spot and everyone, thank you for your support :)

As I explained, I've talked and talked to her about it till I'm blue in the face, and I've gotten nowhere, so I'm going to try a different approach: a letter.

I feel that I'll be able to express myself much more in a letter than in real-time discussion (I get nervous and start hesitating :()

Again, thanks for your support guys, it means a lot to me to know that I've got people who agree with me, cos without my mum, I feel like I've got no-one.
Jeez, I just saw your comment about getting another man, PT...

She works as a ward orderly in a hospital (kind of cleaner), and she has no less that 5 extremely well-off, charming (oh yeah, and married :D) surgeons competing for her attention...

Makes me even more confused :confuse3:
a little of both i think. they deal with the ugly side of life, shitheads and basic liars all day. they also know that they can get away with a lot because they are cops.
Jon said:
Jeez, I just saw your comment about getting another man, PT...

She works as a ward orderly in a hospital (kind of cleaner), and she has no less that 5 extremely well-off, charming (oh yeah, and married ) surgeons competing for her attention...

Makes me even more confused

Hmm. Well, the human brain is a damn hard thing to figure out. What seems like very obvious to others is seen as not even an option to people going through it. I don't mean to imply anything about your mum here, just giving you possiblities to think about. I know it was something my mom and I talked about alot when she finally made the choice to leave the guy for good. She was 45 years old and afraid she'd end up alone for the rest of her life. Since then she's had 3 very nice guys in her life. Not married yet, but she's still playing the field again at 55. About the only other thing I can tell you is to be there for her when she needs you, because it's almost certain she will need you again.
I don't know what to say, except that your mum's self-esteem must be very low if she keeps going back to this bloke. She probably feels that she doesn't deserve any better but that's complete tosh. Plus she must at least think she loves him and can make him change... that's what my sister thought time and time again... some people no matter how you try just don't get the message I'm afraid, no matter how much we love them and you have to let them work it out for themselves. Just be there for her when she needs you. :(

BTW, if he's talking about jealousy chances are it's him who's jealous of you and your mum's relationship because he knows deep down inside he can't break her love for you and he's not the most important thing in her life life. Take it from a mum who knows... giving up your children is like ripping off part of yourself.
Aunty Em said:
your mum's self-esteem must be very low if she keeps going back to this bloke. She probably feels that she doesn't deserve any better but that's complete tosh. Plus she must at least think she loves him and can make him change
Bingo! You just explained the reason for just about any of this type of situation. Woman meets asshole. Asshole drives her self-esteem into the ground. Woman dumps asshole. Woman takes back asshole because she thinks she can change him. Asshole takes away the rest of her self-esteem and then dumps her. Woman begs asshole to take her back because she has no self-esteem left and she thinks he's the best she can get. Cycle continues.
Ta for the manhug, fury :D

I just feel so isolated from her. We've been through a hell of a lot, and I really thought she was coming round and seeing him for what he really is, but I'm in despair seeing as any chance of that happening got thrown by the wayside. Last night I was on the verge of ringing her up and saying "look, I can see what he's doing, and I've seen it all along, and I've tried and tried to make you see sense, but I've failed, so I feel that now I don't want anything to do with you", but I couldn't do that :(

Gonna do some more thinking on the subject; once again, thank you for the support everyone :)
jon, your stand is applaudable but may not be the best way to help your mum see her way to handle the arrangement. she clearly still has feelings for him and he has an ability to sweet-talk her round to his side.

but you are putting her in the situation where she must choose between a man she loves [however blindly or misguidedly and for whatever reason] and the unconditional love she has for her children.

if you don't think that what she is doing is the right thing then tell her, in a letter, in a phone call, in person. but you are effectively penalising her for making a decision that is hers alone to make, no matter how awful that decision may be.

by all means tell her you want nothing to do with him, say that you still want to see her and speak with her but you don't want to go to his house or meet him if you can help it.

if the guy wants to reduce her self-esteem further and drive a wedge between her and her family so that she is further dependent on him then this is the sort of action he will relish.

support her but i wouldn't play into his hands. he has shown himslef to be unreliable and offensive, be sure that you are all the things he is not. :)
Here's a solution for ya.

Make nice nice with him. Say ya came to your senses. Take him down to the pub to celebrate. Get him nice a sloshed. Then take him somewhere for a few incriminating photos. Maybe breaking a few windows. Maybe a little cop B&E. Make sure you get his face.

Otherwise, just leave her to it. You can't change some people, no matter how much you love them. And battered women are notoriously stubborn about it. Protect your brothers as you can, but you're gonna have to give your mum up as a lost cause.

BTW, get in the habit of recording, and having witnessed, any and all communications with him.
well, it'll hurt me immensely, but i think i'm gonna have to give my mum up as a lost cause. :(

Prof, the police have documented everything that's happened in the past few years (as far back as 1997 I think). i've saved text messages that he's sent to me. also, i have notified him that sending me such messages may well be in breach of Section 43 of the Telecommunications Act (1984), which states as follows:

"A person who--
(a) sends, by means of a public telecommunication system, a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character; or

(b) sends by those means, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, a message that he knows to be false or persistently makes use for that purpose of a public telecommunication system, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale."

I would think that being a policeman, he should know the repercussions that such a breach would cause, not only in a court, but to his career (he's already treading on thin ice due to previous events).

In addition, I've contacted my mobile phone network and his to inform them of nuisance calls and text messages.

[Yoda]Playing it by the book, I am[/Yoda] ;)
Well, you don't need my advice. Sounds like you're dead on track. Don't worry, tho. Sooner or later, he'll slip up and give you that openning you need to slam him. Arrogant bastards like that always do.