Cut off from my mum...

Jon, without readin' the followin' posts, yers touched a chord in me.

My first stepdad prominaded 'imself, as a man who was like some kinda noble knight, who rode in on his faithful steed, to save a "damsel" in distress, (my Momma).

I was like 9, then, when I was tryin' to figure out the whole scenario, but it didn't take long to figure out, that my mother's new wounds were the result of her trust, in yet another, well meanin', self-absorbed alcoholic, who'd promised her the world, but denied his inability to deliver on his promises, an' his dependence upon an external, conflictin' source of "comfort".

The trouble, I believe, was that he did not believe in himself, as much as she believed in him............(so much, as to turn from a "love" that could only deliver disappointment, to one who could actually facillitate a healthy transformation of his soul.

At any rate, i think we all tend to hope in that, which by nature, is unable to own up to our expectations, no offense intended bro.......

I hated the nights i'd hear my sweet Momma's voice tryin' to hold position against a man, who cared less for her, than he did for himself, at her expense. (he abused her too)

BTW, he was a leutenant in a maximum security prison, where we lived.

He once told me that I was jus' like the inmates he oversaw, an' that one day, I'd end up, jus' like them, (I rebelled against his abused "authority"), an' he told me, he'd 'ave no pity for me when it came my time to serve behind the bars of his prison.

I chose not to believe his words, though they peirced my very soul, but instead, i believed in my Momma, who later learned, that he was cheatin' on her, when he'd traveled to other towns.

Things are not always as they seem, obviously, but there is hope, for those who choose to believe in truth, in spite of ourselves an' the propagated agenda of

Professur said:
You lived in a maximum security prison?

Hmmm.....I see now, how that conclusion may be drawn, from my wording above.

My mother spent 21+ yrs. workin' in the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary, (since 1977), which is where she met my former stepdad.

He was leutenant who worked there.

(lots of stories, 'bout every night at dinner too...):rolleyes:
Oh Jon....I wish I had a magic answer for you.
This asshole's a cop, prolly nothing's ever going to happen to him...they protect their own....BUT KEEP DOCUMENTATION ANYWAY. You never know.
I don't recommend you cut yourself off from you mum....and the reason is, she will end up depending on him more, if she feels she has no one else on her side. It's a catch 22 situation, I know. Put "emotional abuse" in Google, there are a whole bunch of good sites with more insite and information than I can provide in one post, that might give you a better idea about how to go about helping your mum.
You're a good son and a good man...your mum has a lot to be proud of. :hug:
i hope she gets away from him soon sorry for what the bastard did to you your brother and your mom. hope it all works out
Shit, i wish i could advice you for the best, but i can only tell you what i would do: tolerate the shit until i can be independent. If you are already able to earn enough money to pay all your expenses then just say bye and stick with "i'll only see you at nan's house".
pissed off


Well, she's now back living with him. Her reason was "even though I'll not forget what he did, I've forgiven him, because I feel that I need to give the marriage as long as I possibly can, and this is where I feel most comfortable."

WTF?! I can't believe this shit, so I've thought about it and this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna leave her to it. I'm gonna tolerate it as much as I possibly can, but I'm still sticking to my guns as far as not ever going back to the house as long as he's alive. I'll just see her at my nan's.

Luis, that's exactly what I'm doing now :) I feel that I am independent enough to live here in Manchester, even if I fuck up at university (I've just repeated the first year, and it's not gone well due to lots of different things; Dan, family, etc.).

Q, as an example of what kind of stuff he says, here's his reaction to my mum telling him that I'm having nothing more to do with him, in the form of a text message I received the other day:

Fucking grow up arse hole, you've upset your mum, not me! still jealous are we? nothing you can do so accept the situation.

I'm just in the process of putting past events in writing. I've done a rough draft from memory and I've come up with 6 pages so far.

Q said:
You're a good son and a good man...your mum has a lot to be proud of.

Thank you very much :) All I can say is that I try my best to balance myself between everyone; now it's harder with having a girlfriend that lives 100 miles away, but the good thing is that I really love her, she loves me, and she's supportive of me.