Cute Redhead...


Nextr picture:
him runnign over Ardsgaine with the tractor, stealign the camera, and runnign over camera with tractor

Luis G said:
is Janimal or you a redhead?

Nope, neither of us... well, Jan is sometimes, but not naturally. :)

We both have red hair in our family. My dad had three siblings who were redheads, even though neither of his parents had red hair. His father's father had red hair, and I assume his mother had red hair somewhere on her side. It's a recessive trait, so both parents have to have it in their genetic make up. Jan gets hers from her father's father. His nickname was Reddus.
a cousin is also kind of red head, and none of aunts or uncles are redhead. i think redheads are just a weird thing that happens once in a while.
Ardsgaine said:
Luis G said:
is Janimal or you a redhead?

It's a recessive trait, so both parents have to have it in their genetic make up. Jan gets hers from her father's father. His nickname was Reddus.

the way you figure it out is by use of a punnett square
both parents have a dominat gene for dark hair(X) and a recessive gene for red hair (x)
a child will either have XX (dark hair, without any chance of redhead children) Xx (dark hair, but possibly red hair for children) or xx (red hair, their kids will either be xx or Xx)
25% XX
50% Xx
25% xx


qa.jpg, 6.09kb

I have to get a copy of the most recent family picture from a few weeks ago... So many redheads in my family. My parents were both redheads, and the only redheads among their 5 siblings each. Myself and my three siblings are redheads, my sister Meg's second and fourth children are redheads, my brother Fran's second daughter is a redhead and both my sister Rose's boys are redheads. Apparently the trait is really strong in my family.

Ards, that's the front yard?? Wow. What I would do with that much space... *daydreams*
greenfreak said:
I have to get a copy of the most recent family picture from a few weeks ago... So many redheads in my family. My parents were both redheads, and the only redheads among their 5 siblings each. Myself and my three siblings are redheads, my sister Meg's second and fourth children are redheads, my brother Fran's second daughter is a redhead and both my sister Rose's boys are redheads. Apparently the trait is really strong in my family.

I don't think my mom had any red hair on her side. She looks very native American. Still, a couple of my sisters had a lot of red in their hair, and mine was a mixture of sandy blonde with some red highlights when I was young. It darkened when I hit puberty.

Ards, that's the front yard?? Wow. What I would do with that much space... *daydreams*

Hire someone else to mow it? :p

We have five acres. A lot of it is overgrown with brush. Lots of trees: hickory, oak, sweet gum and dogwood mostly. It gives Anna a lot of room to run around without getting out in the road.
Gonz said:
LastLegionary said:
I wonder if he comes with the temper associated with red heads.... ;) You will know soon enough I guess.. :p

I married a redhead & my son followed her. If you want to stay out of trouble, don't say that, ever. Just a little friendly advice from a slow learner :D
lol care to elaborate?
Ardsgaine said:
LastLegionary said:
I wonder if he comes with the temper associated with red heads.... ;) You will know soon enough I guess.. :p

I knew within the first three months. :rolleyes:

It took ya three months? :D

He's a cute one alright. About 3 weeks older than mine. How many words has he got at this point?

I got some good halloween shots, but the camera went to Florida before I could dump it to the hard drive. I'll post when the family gets home.
Ardsgaine said:
Btw, Greenfreak, I took a look at your red hair in the gallery. You look like a very celtic elfmaid. :p

My hair isn't that light anymore, I'm afraid. It's getting darker, turning brown as I get older like my mother did. I just lightened it a month or so ago and now that my natural roots are growing back in, you can really tell the difference.

I just realized, I was thinking of a different picture... The one on here is recent, last summer. The one on Xibase is the one with the light hair. You can really tell how dark my hair is getting between the pic here and the one on Xi. I wish it was still that color. :(
HomeLAN said:
It took ya three months? :D

Probably less than three weeks, but I didn't want to sound too terrible.

How many words has he got at this point?

It's hard to say. He's a typical boy, so he doesn't have much to say except when things aren't going his way, and then he just yells. He babbles a lot and he can say 'mama', 'dada', 'nanna' (Anna), 'ba' (ball), 'bo' (book), and 'do' (dog). He can also howl like a dog.

With 'mama' and 'dada' we're not entirely sure if he understands them as names. He usually says 'mama' when he wants someone's attention. Sometimes he'll say 'dada' when I walk into the room, sometimes he'll just sit around and babble it as if he just likes the sound of it-- or maybe he's cursing me, who knows?

I got some good halloween shots, but the camera went to Florida before I could dump it to the hard drive. I'll post when the family gets home.

Did they go down to Disney World?
greenfreak said:
My hair isn't that light anymore, I'm afraid. It's getting darker, turning brown as I get older like my mother did. I just lightened it a month or so ago and now that my natural roots are growing back in, you can really tell the difference.

Thank goodness for Miss Clairol, eh?

I just realized, I was thinking of a different picture... The one on here is recent, last summer.

Where is it at? I don't think I've seen it.

We're wondering if Levi's will darken. I was a sandy-blonde as a child, but it turned brunette when I got to be about 11 or 12. I still get blonde hairs in my beard and mustache (along with the occasional gray).
HomeLAN said:
Nah, Karen and Ted went with Gran to Panama City for 5 days.

Daddy stayed home to work. :grumpy:

Poor pop. :( I'm afraid the weather down here isn't all they would want it to be, though. We haven't gotten any rain yet, but it's been overcast all day. Supposed to be like that tomorrow too.