:( dammit


Well-Known Member
I have two new scars to add to my collection.
I have a can of silver paint. It was really pissing me off, stupid little ball inside it. Then I had the ideamto remove the ball. Grabbed the BIG knife and stabbed the can a few times. I take out the pliers and start to rip it apart. I pull it the wrong way and the little piece of aluminum scrapes my arm, creating two gashes each like 3 to 4 inches long.

Be glad you still have a head. Puncturing areosol cans is a bad idea.
Actually, I have quite a nice collection of cool colored glass marbles from my can piercin' excursions!:headbang:

'Course I learned, by experience, one very effective method of 'marble-excavation'.

First of all, I found that choosin' a higher quality brand of spray paint avails a much better prize. (kinda the, "ya get what ya pay for" thingy. My choice for can-divin' rewards is Rustoleum. Off brands only seem to yield small, mis-shaped steel balls. (Very boring).

At any rate, I take a large, straight-slotted screw driver, (tilted at a steep angle to the surface of the can, a hammer, an' I prefer to secure the can either with my feet or a dependable bench vise.

Good penetration with the first blow is recommended! However, if yer success is still pendin' after that first blow, don't be discouraged, center the second blow at the same point as the first indention, then get ready for the sudden, "fffssssttttt".

Afterwords, take a set of arial snips an' proceed, (slowly an' carefully), to set the little "captive" free!;)

I recommend havin' a clean cloth handy, so as to reveal the true size an color of yer little gem at its emergance.

I've got some green, clear, amber an' much rarer, blue!

All precautions taken..............happy huntin'!:D

Sorry to hear 'bout yer initial delay in success bro, but remember the Wright bros. didn't fly on their first attempts!

I used a 6" knife
It was rustoleum, im not sure what color ball (rihgt now it is covered in paint)
yea dont be like jerrek ;) seriously you might want to stop doing stuff like this before you seriously get hurt(and yes you can i have seen people get hurt worse that that with less)
What scares me is that this isn't with the more dangerous electrical vareity. It feels fine, but there are these nasty looking scratches.
at least he didn't toss it into a raging fire and shoot at it to get the ball out. (not that i've ever done anything like that...:D )

Anyway it was a pretty blue ball. My friends yelled at me then told me to bring in the blue ball...
While I had the camera out taking pictures of my writing, I'd figure that I'd provide a pic.

The front one is unchanged over nearly four years. The back one was originally longer, it looked like the metal scraped me for an inch then dug in. The part where it scraped kinda disappeared, but the part where it really dug in is still almost a quarter inch wide.


The bottoms of my arms are rather pale anyway, but even against that, the scars are still almost completely white.
It's a nice reminder to always take proper precautions with tools.

It's a wonderful conversation starter. People notice it and then I get to tell them the story.

It has gotten me into the recieving end of more than one "Don't try suicide" lectures. I'm like "But I'm not trying to kill myself. " and they're like "It's ok, we understand, we're here for you if you need help."

It does tend to fascinate the Emo/Goth kids. They're all like "Whoa, look at those scars" because they just do some whiny little razorblade bloodletting to express their teenage angst, and I tore apart my entire forearm as a result of my teenage stupidity.

Scars are really cool, though. They tell stories.
And for future reference ... the best way to puncture a spray can to get the marble is fire arms at 20 yards+. Personally, I go for Dad's ol' .22 Crossman.