damn fool dog


Well-Known Member
took the dog out for a walk this afternoon. went to our usual paths in the woods near our house. i figured we'd walk over to the reservoir and let him splash around in the water for awhile.
i was walking down an incline and watching my step because of loose ground and when i looked up, the dog was gone. we were right by the reservoir so i figured he may have guessed correctly and headed for the water. i usually dont let him go there because there are a lot of seagulls, geese and heron that live along the shore and his favorite activity is chasing birds. there is a good vantage point along the way and i saw there were very few birds out on the reservoir today so i thought i'd let him have some fun. i head over to the waters edge and i dont hear him splashing around. in fact, i cant see or hear him anywhere.
i called my sis-in-law and asked her to keep an eye out for him in case he headed home then spent the better part of an hour calling and whistling for him with no response. well, sure enough she called me and said he was back home.
he sees me coming up the hill and comes trotting down with the tail wagging looking at me like "ha ha...beat you home". i just glared at him and pointed at the door. he stopped dead in his tracks and headed for the door with his tail between his legs. he headed right for his spot in the living room where he goes when he knows i'm mad at him.
he just came upstairs and is lying outside the bedroom. he keeps looking up every time i move to see if i'm going to let him in. i think i'll let him sit there for awhile longer.

he wasn't wet either. i have no idea where he bolted to but at least he knew how to get home.
if he can home that well i guess he doesn't need you to walk him out anymore - just send him down the shops for some beer with a note in his collar :D
the only problem with the kids is when they get old enough to drink all the beer on the way home you got them to buy you

Q: If your wife is yelling at you at the front door and your dog is barking at you at the back door, who do you let in first?

A: The dog. At least it'll shut up when you open the door.
Oooh, I'm glad he made it home ok.
Chopper tried to give me a heart attack the other day. That dog can run about 150mph. His new thing is to lock em up and put his head down, so when you tug on the leash to make him come, the collar comes right off :hmm:... the little shit. And his neck is fatter than his head, so I can't really tighten up his collar any more than it is.
Get him one of those body harnesses that fit around his front legs and strap across the chest. And make sure it's really ugly too so he's embarrassed whenever he's out in public. That'll teach him. :D
I had one of them on my old Dalmation, took him all of three minutes to figure out which strap to chew through.