damn gta3.......

Originally posted by Justintime
Btw, anyone know of any planned expansions? i played GTA3 over twice now and its still fun, but any expansions would definetly rock! :) :headbang:

gta 3 vice city is being planned for ps2 so im sure itll be out on comp soon. luis, go to the roof with the sniper rifle, pick them off before they notice him. it takes some practice but the movie after is well worth it.ah jsust noticed you passed. the one im stuck on is where i need to kill off those columbian stnds in 7 minutes. that ones not easy and i used a tank.
work from shoreside, kill off the 2 with a bazooka, got to stauton, do the same, make sure you're driving an infernus, rush over to portland and finish off the other 2, done, if in a hurry, ram the stands with the car, does not help the car too much though :D, i had t do it 3 times, first time ran outa time, second time ran off the drawbridge :D forget to listen for bells hehe.