Damn....that Vicodin itch!

I got a nice case of severe low back pain this morning and had to opt for hydrocodone apap 5/500 (Vicodin). I never was much into opiates for pleasure. I have to admit a certain pleasant euphoria, nothing I would chase after, but not wholly unpleasant, but it is hard to sleep and the damn "opiate itch" sucks! Does anyone know of any remedy? It would definitely help me get some actual sleep instead of these back to back half assed naps....
I had some sleep problems of late.
The doc gave me a few temazepam.

They seem just slightly better than over the counter unisom.
Gravol knocks me right out, for eight hours straight. The time I was taking them to calm my stomach for a couple days and only had about 6 hours a night to sleep was an interesting time...fell asleep at my desk a couple times.