DAMN, tonks!


This is getting unfreakingbelievable! :eek5:

7000 posts in 5 months with a post/day average of 44.51.......:eek13:


Cripes.. if I had kept up a 44/day average over the last two years... the mind doth boggle. I probably would have had carpal tunnel surgery by now.
hi guys...thanks...my wrists are just fine..quite agile ;)

and where is my celebratory beefcake? i want eye candy!
thanks, gato! the first one and bill are good....the one with the tattoo and bikini undies is icky...but i can't figure out why.....
Probably the longer nose, bad pose, and his face would look much better with short hair. Hes also not all that good for the 'Hercules' type of look. He would have done better with jeans.