Damnit, no one remembered.


I got a thread last year... but none this year?

Guess i've been gone too long for anyone to remember. It's funny seeing members who joined years after I was banned (I think it's been clost to 13 months )

I hope everything is going well for you and that there is no hostility towards me. I'm not asking to be let back in, it doesn't matter to me. Recently I got into Hi-Fi audio and now I spend most of my time reading about that.

I had a good time whilst I was here, and I thank everyone who was friendly towards me.

:trippin: :beerbang:

Your friendly spammer,


The bravest little toaster.
Lots of turnover in the people here. Most of your detractors are elsewhere at the moment. Your spectre was last mentioned back in January I think.
I have no clue who you are, but I think I've seen your old avatar alongside a few rather bizarre posts.

Nothing wrong with a bit of bizarre in my world.
Professur, what does that mean? I was planning on making a gallant last post and leaving, but you've confused me.

To the newer members, read some of the threads in february of 2003 about me.

Not to hold a grudge, but if you read it you would find out that Q was harassing me quite bit, and one day while looking at my website she gets spyware installed, because of a bad URL redirector I had used. Nevermind that few people thought that I put the spyware on there and that Q went to Mikhailtech to harass me, it was obvious I was an evil spammer. Then when I try to defend myself against her verbal assault (which did not, I might add, her telling me about the bad URL redirector and asking me if I knew it was distributing spyware) I get banned.

I'm hoping that Q and Squiggy do not still hate me, I truely am sorry about the spyware I did not know it was there.
infamous said:
Professur, what does that mean? I was planning on making a gallant last post and leaving, but you've confused me.

To the newer members, read some of the threads in february of 2003 about me.

Not to hold a grudge, but if you read it you would find out that Q was harassing me quite bit, and one day while looking at my website she gets spyware installed, because of a bad URL redirector I had used. Nevermind that few people thought that I put the spyware on there and that Q went to Mikhailtech to harass me, it was obvious I was an evil spammer. Then when I try to defend myself against her verbal assault (which did not, I might add, her telling me about the bad URL redirector and asking me if I knew it was distributing spyware) I get banned.

I'm hoping that Q and Squiggy do not still hate me, I truely am sorry about the spyware I did not know it was there.

Yup, I read a lot of old threads about ya (and involving ya) Altron....... Q is very patient......if yer'd have linked to a site which installed spyware on my computer I'd have tracked you down and beat ya so hard that yer'd have spent the rest of yer days in the feotal position whimpering for ya mother.......but I'm petty like that :)

Happy Birthday anyway! :)
Silly, silly child, it had to do with alot more than spyware...

Alas, Happy birthday, may the extra year add wisdom as well as maturity.
I was the one person that really did get wonked with spyware on that and I didn't feel that it was deliberate. That Xupiter crud was well known to be self pervasive and destructive spyware that acted like a virus and was just as hard to ditch.

Q paitent? I am of the opinion to the opposite. In fact, her special title was 'pitbull' and self proclaimed to have no patience for anything she saw askew and acted according to the title.

I do believe Altron was railroaded to the tune of about 10%. I even defended him up unto the point where he threatend to hunt me down with a sniper rifle.

Altron, Profs meaning is partly in that one may know of, understand, loathe, support, a thing and yet remain silent about it. Ones opinion of a matter or knowledge of a subject need not only be determined by what one vocalizes. Just because you wern't brought up as a topic of the moment does not mean for a moment that there aren't 20 people who remember you. The lack of discourse at this time is more symptomatic of a general malaise of the board itself. There is a small air of hibernation at the moment. No topic upon any subject is really getting much airtime these days. Don't take the ho-hum response to your reappearance to mean anything special about you. Thats just the way things are these days. Were on siesta.
unclehobart said:
The lack of discourse at this time is more symptomatic of a general malaise of the board itself. There is a small air of hibernation at the moment. No topic upon any subject is really getting much airtime these days. Don't take the ho-hum response to your reappearance to mean anything special about you. Thats just the way things are these days. Were on siesta.

Aw shit. No wonder I can keep up with the posts these days. And here I thought I had evolved spontaneous speed-reading skills.

Altron, no idea who who are, I don't peruse the archives much. But if it's any consolation I *have8 heard you mentioned a time or 2. But hey, Happy Birthday :D Or was it an anniversary or something?

*wanders off muttering to herself about blond genes, aging and memory loss*
I remember you. not well but I remember some of the things you did. including posting links after being told not to.
unclehobart said:
I was the one person that really did get wonked with spyware on that and I didn't feel that it was deliberate. That Xupiter crud was well known to be self pervasive and destructive spyware that acted like a virus and was just as hard to ditch.

Q paitent? I am of the opinion to the opposite. In fact, her special title was 'pitbull' and self proclaimed to have no patience for anything she saw askew and acted according to the title.

I do believe Altron was railroaded to the tune of about 10%. I even defended him up unto the point where he threatend to hunt me down with a sniper rifle.

Altron, Profs meaning is partly in that one may know of, understand, loathe, support, a thing and yet remain silent about it. Ones opinion of a matter or knowledge of a subject need not only be determined by what one vocalizes. Just because you wern't brought up as a topic of the moment does not mean for a moment that there aren't 20 people who remember you. The lack of discourse at this time is more symptomatic of a general malaise of the board itself. There is a small air of hibernation at the moment. No topic upon any subject is really getting much airtime these days. Don't take the ho-hum response to your reappearance to mean anything special about you. Thats just the way things are these days. Were on siesta.

Wow....BIG words! But what do they all mean? :retard:

Mind you, today i would fail miserably at connect the dots and fingerpainting :rolleyes: