Dangerous laws welling up in Postys world

outside looking in said:
I agree unc. That's why I said I agree with the legislation in principle but not in practice. To be honest, writing legislation that doesn't leave itself open to later twisting and abuse appears to be fairly difficult. Even the Constitution is not immune.

That's why, whenever there's a revolution, one of the first things the rebels do is start killing lawyers. ;)
That's why, whenever there's a revolution, one of the first things the rebels do is start killing lawyers.
Gato. you can be part of my revolution anytime!
PostCode said:
Only in Oregon....only in Oregon.

I'm surprised. I'd have thought the OR legislature would've made it a crime NOT to protest :D
flavio said:
I'll come up whenever I feel like it. What the hell are you going to do?

Tsk, tsk, flavio. Do you think you're up to invading Oregon? Just be careful around Lake Oswego. Lots of militants live there. :D