Daylight Savings Time


Staff member
Can the board be fixed for the new DST dates? It still seems to be going by the old dates.
Not for me. When I turn on "Automatically detect daylight savings time settings" or whatever it is I get the time it was BEFORE DST.
It seems obvious, but are you sure you're in the right time zone? Maybe it wasn't accidently put on an earlier one?
If I set it to Auto ,it puts the time back an hour.I just leave it "DST correction always on",at least its right currently.
I am sure I'm in the right time zone. As you can see AB is also having the same problem.

Do you guys evn have DST now Gonz?
I've never had a single time-related problem at this board or any that I can remember, ever.
I dunno. It's working for me. When I get a chance, I'll take a look at vBulletin's forum and see if there's any quick fix.

Did the DST stuff start at a different date for different countries or something? o_O
I dunno. It's working for me. When I get a chance, I'll take a look at vBulletin's forum and see if there's any quick fix.

Did the DST stuff start at a different date for different countries or something? o_O

It does start at different times for different countries I think but we now follow the same dates as the states. It's already happened this year but time is displaying as if it didn't happen.
I know it starts next weekend around here. Sometimes we're a week earlier or a week late, but I don't bother and manually set the board preferences.