Daylight Savings Time


molṑn labé
Staff member
Ends Sunday morning at 2AM.

Can we all petition our collective governments & put an end to this silliness. Everybody but the Amish has lights on their John Deere or BMW. So, screw the Amish.

It probably messes with Indiana the hardest considering you dont observe it. The whole world about you does a funky shift to the left twice a year. Does it screw up the TV times at all?
Does it screw up the TV times at all?
Some stations delay their programming for one hour to make sure the times aren't screwed up, but all that work is done for nothing when the non-local stations jump one hour ahead and all shows that show at 9:00 start showing at 8:00, etc... pisses me off when a local channel is showing something I really wanna watch but then Raw comes on and I have to choose between the two..
The biggest bitch of DST is for graveyard shift workers. You work 11-7, but you work 9 hours. Or 7, depending on which way.
I've lived in states that observe DST & some that don't. It has become outdated & has no useful purpose.(Does it reallly need to get dark at 10:15PM in Michigan all summer?) It was set up to assist the farmers, among a few others but is now pointless.

Professur said:
The biggest bitch of DST is for graveyard shift workers. You work 11-7, but you work 9 hours. Or 7, depending on which way.

Absolutely. I'm working a 10-6 tonight. :( Still, means I can get an extra hour's worth of overtime at night rate :)

lol @ unc :D

it's OK for me...have to start at work at 7 am...but due to DST i can actually sleep another hour more :headbang:

but besides from that....screw DST!
You mean you do it over there too? I just figured it was a US thing. Does Canada, UK, and other countries do it as well?
PuterTutor said:
You mean you do it over there too? I just figured it was a US thing. Does Canada, UK, and other countries do it as well?

Of course they do it! Everybody does it. I just got through doing it, and I'm ready to do it again! :p
You people are just sick.

Seriously, I had no idea. Never went overseas, although, I guess Canada doesn't count for overseas, does it. :retard:
did that twice already (did that twice already (


D the multi-post-timing is just great D