Deadbeat dads vs deadbeat moms


Well-Known Member
A local web site has started posting pictures of 'deadbeat dads' who do not pay or are late in paying for child-support. Ok...fine, they should be paying for their arguement there

but where are the pictures of the deadbeat moms. Those moms that refuse access to visitation rights for fathers, or use their time with their children to poison the kids' relationships with their father?

IMHO...the law sways too far towards the rights of the mother in that the women get custody 90% of the time, despite any effort against it and although there is a way to sieze salary of the fathers in relation for child-support, there is no way to make the mother not poisoning her children's opinions, or stop her from placing barrier after barrier in front of regular visitations.

I have a concrete example, but I won't hash it out here unless it's absolutely's a long one!
My ex-daughter-in-law skipped out with our granddaughter. The joint custody agreement says she has to give our son telephone access to his daughter twice per week, plus they're supposed to switch off holidays. She is not supposed to leave the state on vacation, let alone move away, and she has never notified him. If, however, Arren stops sending the child support, the military (He's in the AF) will garnish his wages and label him a deadbeat dad. Incredibly fair. Just as an aside, I found them this week. I haven't decided what to do yet, but when I do I won't be able to post it here.
chcr said:
My ex-daughter-in-law skipped out with our granddaughter. The joint custody agreement says she has to give our son telephone access to his daughter twice per week, plus they're supposed to switch off holidays. She is not supposed to leave the state on vacation, let alone move away, and she has never notified him. If, however, Arren stops sending the child support, the military (He's in the AF) will garnish his wages and label him a deadbeat dad. Incredibly fair. Just as an aside, I found them this week. I haven't decided what to do yet, but when I do I won't be able to post it here.

Have fun...accuse her of kidnapping. Get her arrested for it. Get the child custody overturned.

Good luck chcr
You know, the sad truth is that deadbeats are deadbeats - period. Regardless of whether they are the father or the mother, they are deadbeats. Granted, fathers probably get the short end of the stick but that's because historically, it was the fathers (on the majority) that skipped out. The other sad truth is that while we (as a society) can sit here and debate all day long over who gets the shorter end of the deal - the moms or the dads - it's the kids that suffer.
Very True Na, very true. Now, don't you have homework you should be doing? :hmm:
True enough Na, but they'll suffer just because of the divorce anyway. To make it worst by poisoning one parent vs. another, or denying access isn't going to help make the idea of divorce any easier to swallow.
My teeth are grinding on this one. I think I'd better avoid this thread for the sake of my sanity...:crying3::cuss:
Squiggy said:
My teeth are grinding on this one. I think I'd better avoid this thread for the sake of my sanity...:crying3::cuss:

Um yeah. Ok. I'll leave that ever so obvious one alone.
MrBishop said:
True enough Na, but they'll suffer just because of the divorce anyway. To make it worst by poisoning one parent vs. another, or denying access isn't going to help make the idea of divorce any easier to swallow.

I never said they wouldn't .. not once in my entire post did I mention divorce was easy on kids. That would be a completely stoopid comment on my part seeing as how I am divorced and my children's father is a complete deadbeat in every sense of the word (and more). I was merely pointing out that deadbeat parents - male AND female - make their children suffer even more and to a worse degree because this is done with full knowledge of the suffering.

I would appreciate not having words put in my mouth, especially regarding this sensitive subject. Thank you.
MrBishop said:
True enough Na, but they'll suffer just because of the divorce anyway. To make it worst by poisoning one parent vs. another, or denying access isn't going to help make the idea of divorce any easier to swallow.

well a divorce is a major change. change is never easy. but sometimes it is for the best esp if one parent is negligent, abusive etc... and sometimes its jsut cause the parents cant get along. it doesnt mean that its easy as it is a change. but in a case like that it mihgt also be for the best since its not good for a child to grow up in such hostility.

na you have made the best point yet. damn true. sad but it is true.
chcr said:
My ex-daughter-in-law skipped out with our granddaughter. The joint custody agreement says she has to give our son telephone access to his daughter twice per week, plus they're supposed to switch off holidays. She is not supposed to leave the state on vacation, let alone move away, and she has never notified him. If, however, Arren stops sending the child support, the military (He's in the AF) will garnish his wages and label him a deadbeat dad. Incredibly fair. Just as an aside, I found them this week. I haven't decided what to do yet, but when I do I won't be able to post it here.

Thanks for the update. Has it really taken this long to find them?

So how close am I? :D
Squiggy said:
My teeth are grinding on this one. I think I'd better avoid this thread for the sake of my sanity...:crying3::cuss:

Have to agree with Squigg's on this subject-nuff said......
Did our part

I have a stepdaughter and she is more like a daughter.....we made sure no matter where she lived and no matter how less or how much we saw her .....she had her support plus any xtras that would help make her life a good this day when we talk we always say we love each other and she thanks us all the time for being therefor her ,even when we couldnt be there on the other hand I have a sister in law here in Fl. that when she reaches retirement age her SS goes to her children ....she gets 0....because she has not paid....she doesnt even see them....never makes the far as I am concerned she is scum....she walked out on her children when her daughter was 2 and her son was brotherinlaw has done all on his own....all these yrs....and a good job at it for what they have....his oldest son just graduated last yr. and going to college. soooo yeyyyy for the good ones that do and shame on all that dont pay now or pay later!!!! I myself send $$ every week to support my son and cloth him and help with his vehicle....thats what parents are for.
nalani said:
You know, the sad truth is that deadbeats are deadbeats - period. Regardless of whether they are the father or the mother, they are deadbeats. Granted, fathers probably get the short end of the stick but that's because historically, it was the fathers (on the majority) that skipped out. The other sad truth is that while we (as a society) can sit here and debate all day long over who gets the shorter end of the deal - the moms or the dads - it's the kids that suffer.

and what really bad is when both mother, and father are deadbeats. :crying4:
But i'm with Squggs on this one too. I don't know how much space Sam's
got on the server. :D
I don't want to type that much anyway.
I'll just say...Unc knows the situation around here, and it ain't very pretty.