Death Penalty Case

I am pro choice when it comes to the death penalty sometimes i feel this bastards shouldnt get away with taking someones life and they should have their life taken away from them. I mean what gives them the right to take someones life and not have their own taken. I believe also murder is an awful crime and i think that people like that should pay.

However saying that over in the UK people are against the death penalty they believe that its immoral and cruel to murder them, but hang on a sec tell that to the parents that a grieving over their daughters death, i think the law here is suckie. They would rather sentence them to life imprisionment but sometimes its not life its 25 years with possibilty of parole, i say lock em up and throw away the key, let them rot!
Millie, were you warned in advance about posting in the Real World? Yer pissing on a wasp's bike posting in here.
Professur said:
Millie, were you warned in advance about posting in the Real World? Yer pissing on a wasp's bike posting in here.
Hell, I didn't even know that wasps had bikes.
Well, y'all can remember this day next time y'all are taking someone to task for not using y'all correctly in a sentence.
Professur said:
Well, y'all can remember this day next time y'all are taking someone to task for not using y'all correctly in a sentence.

I still haven't figured out why a "Toboggan" up north is a sled.
down here its a Hat. :confused:
This is another one I got strange looks about when I first moved here. "New York State Thruway"
seems no-one knows what a Thruway is down here.
Now... don't get me started on KIMMELWECK ROLLS . :D

*could use a nice beef-on-weck and cold beer right now* :crying4:
we've had thruways here as long as I can remember.
It may just be a "big city in the south" thing.
It may have to do with how low the power lines are though???
HomeLAN said:
Get rid of the poorly thought out "cruel and unusual punishment" clause. I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying to lighten the punishment, I'm saying to stop protesting it.
Get rid of cruel and unusual and you have prison guards torturing at will. They're almost as ethical as your local used car salesman. Basically a bunch of wannabe cops that weren't able to pass the test to become a cop. Now, not that some of the criminals don't deserve to be cruely and unusually punished, but there has to be limits too. I don't think we need to get rid of the cruel and unusual, just lay it down exactly where it can and can't be used. Commit a cruel crime, get cruel punishment.
Professur said:
Millie, were you warned in advance about posting in the Real World? Yer pissing on a wasp's bike posting in here.

Dude i will take my chances, i dont scare that easily ;)

Oh by the way WTF, i didnt know wasps had bikes!