Death Penalty?

paul_valaru said:
I'm for the death penalty, but I want to shit stir a little

so where do we draw the line?

califonia (and other states) have a 3 strike rule, should teh death penalty be applied on the thrird strike, instead of life in prison?

if no, what if all 3 crimes where violent, but no one died.

what about the mentally ill, who can't be treated?

I'm for the death penalty. As with most government things, I think
the process needs to be revised.

I'm of the christian belief, but as far as the law goes, I believe
more like Mohammad. (an eye for an eye)
I think a simple quick death is too easy for some of them.
Like the torture cases, child cruelty, and such.
i suppose i believe in the death penalty for repeat sexual offenders, but in this country at least, many men are convicted of rape when it is more of an 'but i said no...i swear' or 'i feel bad about it now' or 'she was really 16' situation. i think we have to be careful who we fry on this one. i am not saying that date rape is not a form of rape, because it is.....but having been involved in the situation.....many, many moons ago....i can't say that it warrants death. violent, predatory rapists do deserve the death penalty IMO especially when you consider that most uncaught serial rapists do escalate to murder. i think that this is a fine line and we need to watch where we walk.
Death for rape was discarded because of the argument that if one was going to face death for the act anyway, one might as well kill the witness and stand a better chance of escape. If rape were the same as murder... might as well do both. Keeping it non-capital supposedly gives the victims a better chance at survival.
unclehobart said:
Death for rape was discarded because of the argument that if one was going to face death for the act anyway, one might as well kill the witness and stand a better chance of escape. If rape were the same as murder... might as well do both. Keeping it non-capital supposedly gives the victims a better chance at survival.
what about castration as punishment?

no anasethia
paul_valaru said:
what about castration as punishment?

no anasethia
welll....apparently they say that psychologically rape is a violent thing not a sexual thing so removing the testicles really isn't the answer and they say a man can still get an erection without testicles(i have no knowledge either way on this one) so what good would it do beyond the sick twisted pleasure of the know, which i'm all for.....
tonks said:
welll....apparently they say that psychologically rape is a violent thing not a sexual thing so removing the testicles really isn't the answer and they say a man can still get an erection without testicles(i have no knowledge either way on this one) so what good would it do beyond the sick twisted pleasure of the know, which i'm all for.....

not neutering, I'm talking remove it all, and it is abot the power, so maybe a good long prison sentance, cause god knows, he'l know what it is to be a rape victim real fast in prison
paul_valaru said:
not neutering, I'm talking remove it all, and it is abot the power, so maybe a good long prison sentance, cause god knows, he'l know what it is to be a rape victim real fast in prison
yeah...but that's just a cootchie hair away from cutting of peoples hands for stealing....i'm not so sure....
tonks said:
yeah...but that's just a cootchie hair away from cutting of peoples hands for stealing....i'm not so sure....

they didn't steal a loaf of bread, they committed a horrible act that can leave permanent scaring, mentally, and physically
paul_valaru said:
they didn't steal a loaf of bread, they committed a horrible act that can leave permanent scaring, mentally, and physically
i agree but once you start down that road what is to stop the overzealous? better to just fry the bastards :D
paul_valaru said:
they didn't steal a loaf of bread, they committed a horrible act that can leave permanent scaring, mentally, and physically

which is why i am for the death penalty for them. the pain of rape never goes away
Situation 1: Easy death penalty. No question that it is better too prevent future morders in addition to not making tax payers cough up the dough for a life sentance.

Situation 2: Not as easy, but in my opinion should be offed. Better safe than sorry. Once again, goes back to me having to pay money to keep a sick person around.

Situation 3: A snap. Willingly passing on a deadly disease is a terrible thing. Death prevents further infection amongst her partners and her partners' partners. Just the same as going around and shooting someone with an Ebola dart.

Just my $.02
paul_valaru said:
ok, fried or ass raped

those are the choices

rape the raper. that would work too but the only problem is that most people(not all) who rape or molest had it done to them somewhere in their past