Debates and YouTube


Well-Known Member
Debate questions will be taken from YouTube for the debates.
I don't like webcams, so I won't be submitting a question,
but if I did I'd ask....

What Main principle do you hold that made you choose your current party,
and is there a Main principle in which you differ from your party,
or do you let your party dictate your principles?

I believe there are many that don't understand the differences in the parties.

What would you ask, that could apply to either party's debate? (Rep, or Dem)
I tried to think of something partisan, yet non-partisan, at the same time.
So it could apply to either/both debates.

I believe we could find out about 5 different things from them all at once.
(reading between the lines, and possibly what they actually say :D)
I wouldn't bother asking a politician a question unless they were strapped to a table with a sodium pentathol IV going full blast. All they will answer with is a polished answer that talks for hours and end up saying nothing at all.
One of the "in between" things I look for, is if they Really turn politician, and
go off into outer space instead of actually answering the question.

They loose me immediately if they do that.
I can't stand when they turn it into a commercial.

I'm more curious as to which ones they will pick actually, not the debate it's self.:D
Why haven't Cheeky & Minky dropped by
to tell us there's no difference between the parties?
well cheeky gonna tell me i'm wrong but i find plenty of differences between 'em.

center of gravity for self-righteousness is certainly different. and for fuck's sake would somebody please THINK of the CHILDREN????

The reason I say there's no significant difference between the parties is because the same shit will and always does happen regardless of which "side" gets elected. Marketing, it's all marketing. The difference in presentation is profound. The difference in practice is non-existent.

I'm right there with unc re asking them questions.
LOL, have you seen 'Head of State" with Chris Rock.

In the debate on that movie, they pegged it perfectly.:nerd:
LOL, I was trying to count how many time Cooper ask them to answer the question, but lost count.:retard3:

I don't think Edwards answers but one of the question posed to him, and had a "but" flip-flop on it.:laugh:

Dennis kucinich answered most of the questions straight, but were the wrong answers.

What a friggin mess.
I'm guessing the rep debate won't be much better.

The best/hard questions STILL didn't make the cut.:thumbdn:

Almost null on immigration.
I gueees I'd have to many issues as I differ from him on,
Biden IMO was the most credible, having the most answers that actually made some since.

I certainly could not disagree with his answer on his kids schooling, after
the death of his wife and child. He sure enough got real on that one.
I didn't see the debate. I don't care-WE'RE 18 MONTHS OUT FEW CHRISSAKE!!!!

However, listening to several radio folks, it seems that, considering the number of youtube morons willing to participate, there were exceptionally few questions about the war-leading to the supposition that it's not the be all & end all the press & Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi want you to believe it is.
I didn't see the debate. I don't care-WE'RE 18 MONTHS OUT FEW CHRISSAKE!!!!

However, listening to several radio folks, it seems that, considering the number of youtube morons willing to participate, there were exceptionally few questions about the war-leading to the supposition that it's not the be all & end all the press & Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi want you to believe it is.

No doubt!!! Besides, even though I don't particularly like him, IMO the only electable guy out there is Fred Thompson and he hasn't even declared yet (has he?). Re the "war" being the be all and end all I think most people see the incipient pullout as a foregone conclusion.
"incipient pullout as a foregone conclusion"

nope ain't gonna happen not even if the Demorats won
I wouldn't bother asking a politician a question unless they were strapped to a table with a sodium pentathol IV going full blast. All they will answer with is a polished answer that talks for hours and end up saying nothing at all.

I'd ask just to hear the answer. Though I have learned to take pretty much anything they say with salt