

Well-Known Member
If you beat the crap out of a street beggar with a roll of quarters in your fist, and then drop the quarters on his smashed remains, is the donation tax deductable?

I happily entered this thread, correlating the title of the thread, Deep, with the Huge!!! thread title elsewhere in the forum. Imagine the mindset switch that smacked me up the side of the head! :eek: :laugh:

:confuse3: By law, do charities have to give you a receipt for only $10?
I know what you mean, Les .. I was thinking that Prof was gonna say something profound .. awe inspiring ... gripping ... then .. [Emeril voice] BAM![/Emeril voice] :D
If you wedge a pen between his dead and cold stiff fingers, and move his arm about to draw a receipt up, maybe you can get a tax deduction...........

We REALLY didn't need the description SB!

Why are some people so fucking morbid?! :grumpy:
Yes, you must get a receipt for any charity you donate to, even if it's only 30 cents. (believe it or not, when fund raising for my ambulance corps, a woman handed me all the change in her pocket-it was 32 cents and she asked for a receipt. bitch.)
Somebody needs to bitchslap Professur for getting such strange idea's :grumpy:

As long as they don't hurt or bother you, don't hurt or bother them.
Allright, I know this wasn't meant seriously, but still, the idea itself is a little bit strange...
:bitchslap: Prof because she likes to bitchslap Prof and because Shadowfax asked and Shadowfax is sexy!
unclehobart said:
If you would have crammed a cucumber up the bum's bum, you might have also been eligible for an art grant.

perhaps we should have done that to the guy that jumped out of the bushes downtown when we were there, scaring the living daylights out of people. sheesh!