Defending Pedophiles (well, almost...)

Considering the physical attributes the growth hormones in our food has provided the last couple of generations, I'd be hard pressed to consider 16 pedophilia. That by no means says go for it but when 13 & 14 year old girls have full bore wimmins bodies, that's not so much child adoration as horniness.

My niece is a couple of months younger than my son & she is, two days ago, 5'4" with a C-cup. 12 years old.
Considering the physical attributes the growth hormones in our food has provided the last couple of generations, I'd be hard pressed to consider 16 pedophilia. That by no means says go for it but when 13 & 14 year old girls have full bore wimmins bodies, that's not so much child adoration as horniness.
Precicely. Pedophiles want 'em looking young. A mature looking 14-year-old would be less interesting than an immature looking 16-year-old.
In New Jersey, 16 is perfectly legal. We're like the one state where it ain't 18.

We're also like the one state where tobacco is 19.. heh... "Kids, you can fuck like rabbits, just don't smoke."
Oops, sorry. May I use the "Me no so good in english"-card or summit? :D

Yes, yes we do. See, I was under the impression that while 16-year olds could consent to having sex to someone near their own age, it was stat. rape if the other person was above a certain age. I've heard the expression used in connections with such instances, I think.

Of course, we do have laws against having sex with a person under the age of consent, which is 16.
in BDSM-type kink, there are two commonly used acronyms, one being the classic SSC for "Safe, Sane, and Consensual", but many are moving toward RACK, for "Risk Aware Consensual Kink". i think certain elements of that apply here, too.
the bottom line is, as others have said, if the individual is unable to consent, or would not consent if not under certain influences or impressions (really really drunk girl says yes, but would have said no if not completely smashed; young teenager being sweettalked/heavily persuaded), then the act is likely to harm them, and is generally considered a bad thing to do.
otherwise.... go at it.
in BDSM-type kink, there are two commonly used acronyms, one being the classic SSC for "Safe, Sane, and Consensual", but many are moving toward RACK, for "Risk Aware Consensual Kink". i think certain elements of that apply here, too.

Good to know.