Deja Vu


molṑn labé
Staff member
By the time I get up, the Democrats will be in charge. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House? A sad day.

Where have the conservatives gone? They'd have won, handily.

The next two years will be frightening.
The true conservative as a species is all but gone, the ones that are still breathing are hanging there heads in shame over the current state of affairs....
The true conservative as a species is all but gone, the ones that are still breathing are hanging there heads in shame over the current state of affairs....

nah they're still out there. they're just busy for the moment putting fresh coats of paint on their tricycles, and recovering from their recent discovery that there is no santa claus.
Taint no left. Taint no right. Its just boxcars of bribery cash going to a different district for the next two years.