Democrat governor wants $.27 tax increase on gas


Well-Known Member
So here we are with the usual suspects wanting to raise taxes during the worst possible time to do so.


Gov. Patrick Weighs 27-Cent Gas Tax Hike In Mass.
By Associated Press

BOSTON - February 09, 2009 - Gov. Deval Patrick is considering raising the gasoline tax in Massachusetts by 27 cents per gallon as part of a comprehensive transportation overhaul plan, The Associated Press learned Monday.

The proposal would stave off a doubling of Turnpike tolls planned for this summer, but would leave the state with the highest gasoline tax in the nation at 50.5 cents.

A policy draft obtained Monday by the AP said the added tax would be dedicated to paying down the debt of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, funding regional transit authorities and removing some tolls on the Massachusetts Turnpike.

Tolls would be removed west of Route 128 by the end of next year. Tolls within Route 128, from Westin to Boston, would come down as the state shifts to a program of tracking - and charging - all drivers based on the miles they travel. (Welcome to that new future -- j)

Trips would be measured by a chip installed in a vehicle inspection sticker as soon as 2014, and drivers would receive a gas-tax refund to avoid double payments.

"The Patrick administration recognizes that a greener, more fuel-efficient transportation system means that the gas tax will become a less viable (means) of funding our transportation system," said the document prepared by Transportation Secretary James Aloisi. "A user-fee based system, collected electronically, is a fair way to pay for our transportation needs in the future."

An administration spokesman said the governor has made no final decisions about his plan, which is promised by the end of the month.

"We're finalizing our transportation reform plan," Patrick spokesman Joe Landolfi said. "It will be a comprehensive initiative, but no final decisions have been made - especially on a gas tax."
The only way Patrick is going to get re-elected is by creating new income streams for the crooks on Beacon Hill. That money will never go towards paying down anything. New appointed posts will suddenly start sprouting up all over the place.
The state government is so throughly corrupt I don't hold much hope of ever seeing things change.
We the people can change it. Get enough of them to vote and to vote all the idiots out of office.
If it was only that simple.
Beacon Hill has raised corruption to an art form. Kickbacks. Nepotism. Tax evasion. No bid contracts. They give Chicago politicians a run for their money.
If we can't change the system, then we need to change the mindset of the people. Then we can change the system.
Remember ... this is why you were given that second ammendment. Might be time to remind them of that ..... but then, they haven`t forgotten. The sheeple have.
Remember ... this is why you were given that second ammendment. Might be time to remind them of that ..... but then, they haven`t forgotten. The sheeple have.

I was looking at AR-15's last weekend. It wasn't more than a couple of years ago they were running about $700. Now they're well over $1100. Thankls President Obama.
Is there anything indicating the price of AR-15's jumped $400 since Obama's inauguration or is that some more crap you made up to whine about?
Ugh, their price would be the main indicator. That, and since he won the election, gun sales are up, dramatically.
Ugh, their price would be the main indicator.

Right so how about price before and after inauguration?

You checked last a couple years ago so it seems far more likely tha the price went up during Bush's term and you should thank him for the increase.

Think Gonz.

Oh wait, if you actually thought this out you wouldn't be able to blame Obama for whatevfer stupid crap you make up.