Democrat National Convention


molṑn labé
Staff member

Gives a whole new spin to liberal Boston doncha think?

Unlike the NYC Republican convention, Boston has set up a fenced off area so they aren''t so readily viewable on TV.

Will there be any surprises? Shall any liberal step to the spotlight & actually lead or will this be a group of sheep all awaiting for the same slaughterer? A collection whose main connection isn't a single belief (moral or social) but a gathering of smaller super-specialized groups (GLADD, PETA, NOW) with only one uniting thread...the utter hatred towards GW Bush.

My biggest question-will the DNC actually nominate John Kerry as its Presidential conteder for 2004?
oh you have to love it, "FreeSpeechZones"

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble in zones, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Didn't even see it did ya'? Slipped it right passed you.
If they are protesting Republicans all is fair. Put them in pens & watch all hell break loose. If they are protesting Dems they have to be off camera & in their zone. :rolleyes:
DNC orders Arab Al-Jazeera network to take down banner announcing their broadcast booth at convention...



Democrat party officials are struggling to contain the amount of anti-Bush and anti-war comments to be delivered this week during the convention in Boston, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

DNC chair Terry McAuliffe has expressed concern that nonstop Bush bashing from the podium could quickly spiral out of control and backfire.

DNC staffers have also been told to be on the lookout for "unreasonable" Bush bashing signs held by delegates on the convention floor which could be highlighted on television.

"We are not Michael Moore," McAuliffe has told his top staffers, according to a well-placed source. "Let's tell the voters what we stand for, not only what we stand against."

McAuliffe has reportedly given orders to senior staff that hard-core Bush bashing should be saved for other forums and surrogates.

"Of course there will be a fair amount of pointing out the president's record," a top party source explained from Boston.

Top Kerry strategist Bob Shrum is also warning not to turn the convention into a default Hate Bush rally.

But the temptation to rip Bush without mercy is proving to be too much for many of the speakers.

Kerry operatives are editing convention speeches, sources say, with only Al Gore and Ted Kennedy believed to be off-limits.

[The move is reminiscent of Nixon at the 1968 convention in Miami, when the campaign edited out anti-war liberal Republicans.]



Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Democratic nominee John Kerry, told a reporter to 'shove it' on Sunday evening -- immediately after giving a speech calling for a more civil tone in politics.

Speaking to the Pennsylvanian delegation at the statehouse in Boston, Heinz Kerry delivered an impassioned plea against hate politics:

"We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics."

"I remember a time when people in political parties in Pennsylvania talked to one another and actually got things done. We have to go back to those days when we can do things properly, for the people need it."

"My prayers for you, for me, for the country, for the world, are that we keep this at a high level, with dignity, with respect and with a great idealism and courage that took our forefathers to build this great nation."

According to multiple sources who attended the event, Heinz Kerry upon finishing the speech pushed her way through the Secret Service to get to Pittsburgh Tribune Review reporter, Colin McNickle. Upon getting to Mcnickle, Heinz Kerry asks, 'Are you from the Tribune Review' Mcnickle says, 'Yes, I am.'

At this point and in an irritated fashion Heinz Kerry says, 'Of course, understandable. You said something I didnt say. Now Shove it!'

Tape of the incident is being edited to air on Pittsburgh's WTAE-TV, and, according to a media source, ABC NEWS is set to run with it thereafter.

A witness of the incident said reporters were "stunned" by Heinz Kerry's outburst, especially in light of the speech she had just given.



USA Today editors have spiked a daily convention column they commissioned from conservative controversialist Ann Coulter, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Coulter filed her first report from Boston Sunday night, only to be told hours later that editors found it "unusable" and "not funny."

"Apparently no one at USA TODAY had ever read Ann Coulter before!" Coulter, who has sold nearly a million copies of her various works and his written a syndicated column for five years, said from Boston.


Meanwhile Leftwing controversialist and Bush hater Michael Moore has free reign on the floor of the Dem convention hall -- and has been hired to write for USA TODAY at the Republican convention!

"Coulter has been hired for Boston, Moore has been hired for NY," a USA TODAY source explained, unaware of the fallout with Coulter in Boston.


Read the article , it's hilarious. Well, it is if you aren't a liberal :D

Human Events online take on the story. :rofl2:
Gonz said:
If they are protesting Republicans all is fair. Put them in pens & watch all hell break loose. If they are protesting Dems they have to be off camera & in their zone. :rolleyes:

this will sound odd coming from me since I am a democrat but

the first amendment is there for everyone not specific people and such. and not for other areas. if we can protest you, then you can do the same to us. at least it should be that way
Why yes, Eric, yes, it should. Welcome to the dark side.

Text of Slick Willie's speech. I'm too tired from laughing...anybody else wanna rip it apart & show all of the flaws?
Goodness Gracious, does he belive the revisionst history he is spouting?

I read about half of what he said, Clinton is a sociopath. I need sometime to digest this, I just woke up (3am) I know con-radio can't cover in 3 hours the utter confabulations and redesign of history he made in :45min.

I need some heavy doses of cafffine, this is going to be a very long day.
ResearchMonkey said:
Goodness Gracious, does he belive the revisionst history he is spouting?

I read about half of what he said, Clinton is a sociopath. I need sometime to digest this, I just woke up (3am) I know con-radio can't cover in 3 hours the utter confabulations and redesign of history he made in :45min.

I need some heavy doses of cafffine, this is going to be a very long day.
All history is revisionist. That's simply human nature. This in no way abrogates the point that Clinton is a sociopath. ;)
A sociopath does not comprehend the basics of right and wrong, he only sees what benifits him and makes that to be the only truth, reguardless of how it affects others.

He is meets that criteria.
the man that redefined morals said:
I am honored to share it with Al Gore, my friend and my partner for eight years, who played such a large role in building the prosperity and peace that we left
the man that redefined morals said:
America in 2000.

Yeah he invented the internet and the resulting DOTCOM boom, an economic era based on virtual assets. A virtual economy that ‘popped’ and was plummeting us into a major recession that was nixed by economic stimulus. Tax cuts and masterful handling of the economy turned that ship into a strong economy in record time.

the man that redefined morals said:
And Al Gore, as he showed again tonight, demonstrated incredible patriotism and grace under pressure. He is the living embodiment of the principle that every vote counts.

Some votes just count more, or twice, but the military should not get to vote if it is going to hurt the democrats. Gore is the one that called for judicial intervention; his re-writing of Florida law during a vote was over-ruled by the highest court in the land.

the man that redefined morals said:
My friends, we are constantly being told that
the man that redefined morals said:
America is deeply divided.

The nation is divided; thanks to the new era of slash/burn/deny politics the democrats have lead us into since the adultery, perjury, and impeachment of Bill Clinton.
The democrat own memo retrieved from the Gov’t PC’s clearly shows the tactics to cause as much doubt as they can and even to go as far keeping the economy in ruins to win the election.

The democrats have made a consorted effort to keep the country divided in hopes of regaining the power that has been removed from them by the voting public.

Never in American history has the effort been so underhanded and devious, what is good for America under GWB is bad for the democrats, and they are doing everything they can to make sure he gets blamed for something, anything.

the man that redefined morals said:
We Democrats want to build a world and an
the man that redefined morals said:
America of shared responsibilities and shared benefits. We want a world with more global cooperation where we act alone only when we absolutely have to.

Shared responsibility means EVERYONE equally. Not the top 1% or the top 5%. Does global cooperation mean we only take action under the auspices of the corrupted and neutered UN? (*more on this later)

the man that redefined morals said:
We think the role of government should be to give people the tools to create the conditions to make the most of their own lives. And we think everybody should have that chance.
Everyone has that chance, the conditions have existed for over 200 years. The tools to make ones-self happy come from with-in, not thru subsidies or redistribution of wealth, not from being lazy and government funded.

Everyone is capable of making their own unique life and it will not come from the narrow path of bureaucracy, a legislated way to achieve happiness. That is simply removal of freedoms. We can take care of those who can’t fend for themselves, but those that choose to smoke dope all day, or just choose to have only ‘fun’ in their lives will receive the rewards of their efforts.

We are born equal, what you do with it is up to you.

the man that redefined morals said:
CLINTON: On the other hand, the Republicans in Washington believe that American should be run by the right people -- their people -- in a world in which America acts unilaterally when we can and cooperates when we have to.

This is such bullshit; for the mentally challenged only please!
We vote people get into office, they appoint the people they feel can do the job (or in the new democrat ‘pay for play’ or repayment for ‘cooperation’ fashion) Grey Davis, travel-gate, pardons, 100% vote from a Jewish sect. etc.

How many times did you Bill, act unilaterally against another nation or to ‘wag-the-dog”?

GWB went to the UN which was corrupted by the Oil-money from Iraq. He then assembled the largest international coalition that has ever been assembled. He made every reasonable effort to let Saddam step down, he chose no too. GWB kept steady, no empty threats, only promises kept.

the man that redefined morals said:
They believe the role of government is to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of those who embrace their economic, political and social views, leaving ordinary citizens to fend for themselves on important matters like health care and retirement security.

More socialist drivel; there has been more encouragement and incentive for people to obtain the American dream of home ownership and small business then ever before in our history.
They don’t pick people to become rich, it’s the people that embrace the conservative values that are more likely to achieve success in life though hard work. Intending on being successful doeas not make you successful, hard work does.

the man that redefined morals said:
Now, since most Americans aren't that far to the right, our friends have to portray us Democrats as simply unacceptable, lacking in strength and values. In other words, they need a divided
the man that redefined morals said:

You can’t blame your values as being someone else’s fault; you promote them you have to own them. (not to mention getting caught red handed in the act of your ‘morals’)
chcr said:
All history is revisionist.
No thats not true, history is supposed to be based in the factual, 'specially recent history. Not based on spin that will only benift your political needs.

There are different points of interpitaions of the facts, but those too are supposed to based on facts, not what someone 'wishes' happened and presents it as if it were true.

the man that redefined morals said:
Instead, he and his congressional allies made a very different choice. They chose to use that moment of unity to try to push the country too far to the right and to walk away from our allies, not only in attacking Iraq before the weapons inspectors had finished their work, but in withdrawing American support for the climate change treaty and for the international court on war criminals and for the anti-ballistic missile treaty and from the nuclear test ban treaty.

There was no pushing to the right, the public returned back to the safer conservative views of which this country was founded and built. It’s a national survival coping skill, Safety.

We did not walk away from our allies; we took action rather then to spend another 12 years of sitting on our hands.

Kyoto protocol is ridicules; we are the villains in it. We are leading the world in research of more ecological methods of living and manufacturing. We implement and share these standards as they become feasible. It is not equal or fair in its design.

The international court is as stupid of an idea as I have ever heard of. We are a sovereign nation and we have our own laws and courts, we don’t need counties that can’t control their own human rights violations to rule on the ethics of America. (how is the Milosevic trail going BTW)

Defense, yeah don’t develop anti-ballistic missile systems. Just give North Korea, Iran, Saddam and any other rouge nation an open door to bomb the US, it should after be fair

the man that redefined morals said:
Now look at the choices they made, choices they believed in. They chose to protect my tax cut at all costs while withholding promised funding to the Leave No Child Behind Act, leaving 2.1 million children behind.

Once the democrats added all the fat, the bill is became nothing but more than a bureaucratic nightmare and control of young minds.

the man that redefined morals said:
They chose to protect my tax cut, while cutting 140,000 unemployed workers out of their job training programs, 100,000 working families out of their child care assistance, and worst of all, while cutting 300,000 poor children out of their after-school programs when we know it keeps them off the streets, out of trouble, in school, learning, going to college and having a good life.

The government is not a constitutionally mandated baby sitter. Leave it to the private sector to use the tools of capitalism to create the dynamic infrastructures need to grow.

the man that redefined morals said:
. . . It cost $1 billion. It would have been paid for under our bill by asking the 200,000 millionaires in
the man that redefined morals said:
America to cut their tax cut by $5,000. Almost all 200,000 of us would like to have done that, to spend $5,000 to make all 300 million Americans safer.

Why should the top 1% have to pay for it? Why when you already stated it is “shared responsibilities” that should build the nation. Why is this fair? Why doesn’t every have the burden placed on them equitably?

Why does the top 10% pay for most everything while the bottom 50% pay nothing or gets paid for doing nothing?

(I love how the President agreed to pay “refunds” top people that didn’t pay in the first place)

the man that redefined morals said:
Now, we tried it their way for 12 years. We tried it their way for 12 years. We tried it our way for eight years. Then we tried it their way for four more. But the only test that matters is whether people were better off when we finished than when we started. Our way works better.

The DotCom economy was similar to the cause of the great depression. People were trading on “value” with-out assets to recover the said value. In other words: there were no hard assets in it like: gold, silver, a building or machinery. When you tried to cash in your “value” there was none. There were websites worth millions, but the actual value was nothing more than a $1,000 computer.

Reaganomics was so strong and stable it took YOU 8-years to bring us to the edge of major economic depression.

3 times in 40 years tax breaks have been proven to effect economic growth.

the man that redefined morals said:
And then, on my watch, when it was time to heal the wounds of war and normalize relations with
the man that redefined morals said:
Vietnam and to demand an accounting of the POWs and MIAs we lost there, John Kerry said: Send me.

Kerry was the perfect man for the job. The man who committed treason by having private talks with the enemy during wartime.

He also destroyed unrecoverable information about the POW’s thought to be still in VN. He felt entitled to do so. (sounds a little like ol’ Sandy Booger). Others have claimed they came to a different conclusion than sKerry did. Kerry did normalize relation, but at what cost to the the men he betrayed for a second time?

ResearchMonkey said:
A sociopath does not comprehend the basics of right and wrong, he only sees what benifits him and makes that to be the only truth, reguardless of how it affects others.

He is meets that criteria.

then there are far too many people who fit that. Bush would fit that.

Gonz what did you mean by welcome to the Dark Side? Isnt what I said more of liberal statement?
Bush gave into several of the democrat’s pet programs, trying to build unity. The payback compromise was to scream, “It’s not enough”.

Bush has shown that he will not ignore problems to keep them out of site or silenced. He has made many decisions that are against what his party wanted. He takes risk at what he believes is right, not by polls.

He has made great efforts to be open an honest.

Clinton will ride a lie until the wheels fall off.
freak said:
Gonz what did you mean by welcome to the Dark Side? Isnt what I said more of liberal statement?

Hardly. It's a statement of freedom. A statement of following the Constitution. Which Dems have a hard time doing. They misread it on most ocassions.
You guys need a third or fourth major party to vote for. Bilateralism is funny because more mud is thrown at less people, but... doesn't the one or the other only divide your country more than actual politics?