Democrat Rush bashing starting to backfire

the thing about rush is....
he's got a few real world solutions, he's More on pointing out others mistakes.

Could he govern?
Seems you never know How one will govern.
Rush did have a slight problem at one time....could still signal weakness.
To my way of thinking Rush would be a great leader of the Republicans from a Democrat's perspective. I mean he is just a blowhard bozo, and more than that a proven hypocrite.

making him a prime political candidate for either party

i personally dont care for rush, though i do find him humorous on occasion. he aint going to win any prizes for objectivity, but he never claims it either
the thing about rush is....
he's got a few real world solutions, he's More on pointing out others mistakes.

He actually does have solutions. Just not the kind the socialistic society is looking for. They are answers for Americans by an American. Are there many left?
I mean he is just a blowhard bozo, and more than that a proven hypocrite. I wonder how those pain med problems are going for him these days?

More importantly, are Prez Obozo's admitted drug problems affecting his decisions for this country?

"We were always playing on the white man's court . . . by the white man's rules," he writes. "If the principal, or the coach, or a teacher . . . wanted to spit in your face, he could, because he had the power and you didn't. . . . The only thing you could choose was withdrawal into a smaller and smaller coil of rage.

"And the final irony: should you refuse this defeat and lash out at your captors . . . they would have a name for that too. Paranoid. Militant.

"Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though."
You know Cerise, even here you have no real point other than to sling mud and it still doesn't wash. You see Obama and everything he did, he freely admits and there has been full disclosure. This disclosure was his decsion and it's a stand up thing to do. Rush on the other hand, well his disgrace was only public because he was arrested. He has only been forhtcoming because it's public knowlege anyway. So on the one hand you have Obama, owning up to his past by his own choice, or you have Rush, who was outed by authorities otherwise would have never come clean.
Rush was only not convicted because he paid money to cover investigation costs and completed a sentence exactly as if he was convicted. I believe they call it deffered prosecution. He was not allowed to even own a gun for a cetain time, because he was in effect a felon. He is the one who calls for drug offenders to do prison time, so why did his weenie ass weasel out of what he feels such folks deserve? The guy would not last 15 minutes in a real jail or prison setting.
he means americans. there's over 300 million of them, gonz. and YOU are not the arbiter of americanness.
You know Cerise, even here you have no real point other than to sling mud and it still doesn't wash. You see Obama and everything he did, he freely admits and there has been full disclosure. This disclosure was his decsion and it's a stand up thing to do. Rush on the other hand, well his disgrace was only public because he was arrested. He has only been forhtcoming because it's public knowlege anyway. So on the one hand you have Obama, owning up to his past by his own choice, or you have Rush, who was outed by authorities otherwise would have never come clean.

Once again I must correct you on the dissemination of false information.

Rush was never arrested. The DA in Palm Beach attempted to find evidence of doctor shopping but fell short. Rush voluntarily committed himself into a rehab institution. Like most drug and alcohol abusers the hardest thing to do is to admit they have a problem. He was no different.

The deal he made with the DA was to avoid an arrest or indictment and to get rid of the mess. The DA screwed up the evidence he might have had because he served a search warrant to seize Limbaugh's medical records instead of issuing a subpoena as he was supposed to which tainted any evidence he seized.

After the deal was made, Limbaugh was processed through the system because he was to be on 18 months probation. His fingerprints and mug shot were taken but he was never arrested or detained.

Rush Limbaugh must pass random drug tests for the next 18 months to satisfy an agreement filed Monday that will lead to dismissal of a prescription fraud charge if he stays out of trouble.

The conservative commentator also must continue treatment for his addiction and cannot own a gun, according to details of the deal made public Monday. And the agreement says he "will refrain from any violation of any law."

It was only when his world threatened to come crashing down around him, due to the greed of those who were supplying him with the drugs, that he finally came to grips with the addiction. An addiction, I might add, which was born of prescription drugs for spinal pain.

Of course, if you believe any of this malarkey about Rush being the true head of the GOP, I guess you could say that both parties are now led by a couple of druggies.
Yeah I am a complete idiot....

CBS News said:
Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges
Conservative Radio Commentator Turns Himself In But Claims Innocence
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., April 28, 2006 | by Jarrett Murphy

(CBS/AP) Rush Limbaugh and prosecutors in the long-running prescription fraud case against him have reached a deal calling for the only charge against the conservative commentator to be dropped without a guilty plea if he continues treatment, his attorney said Friday.

Limbaugh turned himself in to authorities on a warrant filed Friday charging him with fraud to conceal information to obtain prescriptions, said Teri Barbera, a spokeswoman for the Palm Beach County Jail. He and his attorney Roy Black left about an hour later, after Limbaugh was photographed and fingerprinted and he posted $3,000 bail, Barbera said.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Limbaugh, who pleaded not guilty Friday, has steadfastly denied doctor shopping. Black said the charge will be dismissed in 18 months if Limbaugh complies with court guidelines....

CBS News

MSNBC said:
Limbaugh reaches settlement in drugs case
Charge against conservative commentator to be dropped after treatment

(AP) WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - A three-year investigation into drug use by Rush Limbaugh ended abruptly when the conservative commentator was booked on a single charge of prescription fraud in a deal his attorney says spares him a trial.

The charge will be dropped if Limbaugh continues treatment, attorney Roy Black said Friday.

“He feels that a great burden has been lifted from his shoulders,” he said. “What he told me is that this is the first day of the rest of his life.”

Limbaugh surrendered at the Palm Beach County Jail and was booked on a warrant charging him with “doctor shopping,” when a patient illegally deceives multiple physicians to receive overlapping prescriptions.

The 55-year-old commentator left an hour later, after he was photographed and fingerprinted and he posted $3,000 bail, said Teri Barbera, spokeswoman for the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office.

Under the terms of the deal with prosecutors called a pretrial diversion, to be filed Monday, Limbaugh will be cleared of the charge if he stays clean for 18 months and doesn’t violate any laws, Black said.

Limbaugh has publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication.

According to the warrant, sometime between February and August 2003, Limbaugh withheld information from a medical practitioner from whom he sought to obtain a controlled substance or a prescription for a controlled substance.....


Sounds to me like semantics, but I personally have never known anyone who was not under arrest to post bail, seems a little odd don't ya think?!?

Like shooting fish in a barrel....

Yeah I am a complete idiot....

CBS News


Sounds to me like semantics, but I personally have never known anyone who was not under arrest to post bail, seems a little odd don't ya think?!?

Like shooting fish in a barrel....

Sorry if I was wrong but the stories at the time were that he was never actually arrested but was processed into the system after agreeing to do 18 months probation on a deferred prosecution. I don't remember anything at the time about a bailment being paid.

With the exception of the bail, this seems to contradict that.
It seems that while the press raises a cacophony of outrage over Limbaugh wishing that Obama's policies fail, they have conveniently forgotten this poll on the policies of President Bush.


Flashback: 2006 Poll Showed Most Democrats Wanted Bush to Fail
An August 2006 poll conducted by FOX News/Opinion Dynamics showed 51 percent of Democrats did not want Bush to succeed.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Rush Limbaugh took a lot of heat for saying he wants President Obama to fail -- but a lot of Democrats felt the same way about former President George W. Bush during his second term.

An August 2006 poll conducted by FOX News/Opinion Dynamics showed 51 percent of Democrats did not want Bush to succeed. Thirty-four percent of independents also did not want Bush to succeed.

By comparison, 90 percent of Republicans said at the time that they wanted Bush to succeed, and 40 percent of Democrats said the same.

Conservative radio talk show host Limbaugh says he doesn't want the economy to fail -- just Obama's policies. But his comments last month at the Conservative Political Action Conference drew sharp criticism from the White House.

After CPAC, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told CBS' "Face the Nation" that Limbaugh's stance was the "wrong philosophy for America."