Democrats call Zarqawi killing a stunt


New Member
This is rediculous and a smoke screen put up by the dems to devert attention from their own fumbling...

A stunt would have been catching bin Laden wearaing burmuda shorts in Bimini...

Some Democrats, breaking ranks from their leadership, today said the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in Iraq was a stunt to divert attention from an unpopular and hopeless war.
"This is just to cover Bush's [rear] so he doesn't have to answer" for Iraqi civilians being killed by the U.S. military and his own sagging poll numbers, said Rep. Pete Stark, California Democrat. "Iraq is still a mess -- get out."
demorats being demorats?

I question the type of person who would vote demorat

how crap can they continue to put up with

Or do they mostly agree with the crap
of the people in their party?

Hmmm I think we all know the answer to that one...
It stopped being about success the war on terror, or indeed the war in Iraq, a long time ago. It's all about eeeeevil Bush.

California democrat. 'Nuff said.
it's not "the dems" it's a couple guys who obviously don't speak for the party as a whole.

and we don't need them to tell us that the iraq war is a mess.
It always makes me laugh about how they manage to dump the blame for every single bad thing that has happened in the past five years on Bush's shoulders. Is he a great president? No. Is Iraq going as well as hoped? No. Does he get words mixed up for funny 'Bushisms'? Yes. Can everything wrong with the country be blamed on him? No.

What annoys me even more are the people who criticize him, but don't offer viable alternatives. You didn't like how Bush handled _____ event? Fine, how could he have done it better?

Instead of trying to figure out a way for the country to solve problems, they're just pointing fingers about causing problems.
Altron said:
It always makes me laugh about how they manage to dump the blame for every single bad thing that has happened in the past five years on Bush's shoulders. Is he a great president? No. Is Iraq going as well as hoped? No. Does he get words mixed up for funny 'Bushisms'? Yes. Can everything wrong with the country be blamed on him? No.

What annoys me even more are the people who criticize him, but don't offer viable alternatives. You didn't like how Bush handled _____ event? Fine, how could he have done it better?

Instead of trying to figure out a way for the country to solve problems, they're just pointing fingers about causing problems.

Well said!!
Leslie said:
success in the war on terror.


Tell ya what. If it'd suit you better, we'll just lay off and let Toronto catch all its own bombers and terrorists and what have you all by themselves from here on. It'd save millions on our budget not having to provide Canadian homeland security services along with our own.
The hell you say. What fuck-ups are committed up there affect security down here, and vice versa.

If she wants to loudly scream about the setbacks and quietly snicker at the successes, let her. That's pretty easy to see through. Terminating cooperation is a good way to cut our own throats, however.
Altron said:
It always makes me laugh about how they manage to dump the blame for every single bad thing that has happened in the past five years on Bush's shoulders. Is he a great president? No. Is Iraq going as well as hoped? No. Does he get words mixed up for funny 'Bushisms'? Yes. Can everything wrong with the country be blamed on him? No.

What annoys me even more are the people who criticize him, but don't offer viable alternatives. You didn't like how Bush handled _____ event? Fine, how could he have done it better?

Instead of trying to figure out a way for the country to solve problems, they're just pointing fingers about causing problems.

yeah, that's a good observation so long as you acknowledge that it goes both ways. flipped over, i'll bet there's PLENTY of folks here that blamed clinton for EVERYTHING while he was in office, without offering anything other than bland ideological krapspeak about how theyda done whatever differently.
Altron said:
It always makes me laugh about how they manage to dump the blame for every single bad thing that has happened in the past five years on Bush's shoulders. Is he a great president? No. Is Iraq going as well as hoped? No. Does he get words mixed up for funny 'Bushisms'? Yes. Can everything wrong with the country be blamed on him? No.

What annoys me even more are the people who criticize him, but don't offer viable alternatives. You didn't like how Bush handled _____ event? Fine, how could he have done it better?

Instead of trying to figure out a way for the country to solve problems, they're just pointing fingers about causing problems.
Everybody knows it's all Clinton's fault!!! :lloyd:
2minkey said:
yeah, that's a good observation so long as you acknowledge that it goes both ways. flipped over, i'll bet there's PLENTY of folks here that blamed clinton for EVERYTHING while he was in office, without offering anything other than bland ideological krapspeak about how theyda done whatever differently.

Agree completely. Everything that goes wrong is blamed on the current president, whether or not it is his fault.
Gonz said:
If the title fits ;)
You made it up :p

If it'd suit you better, we'll just lay off and let Toronto catch all its own (and some of yours too) bombers and terrorists and what have you all by themselves from here on.
so far, so good.
Altron said:
Agree completely. Everything that goes wrong is blamed on the current president, whether or not it is his fault.
I disagree. Everything is blamed on the most recent president that each individual perceives to be on "the other side." This can be the current president, but Bush still has his supporters and they still blame everything on Billy Blowjob.

Of course Gonz, OTOH, still blames everything on FDR. :lol: