Democrats Pin 2010 Hopes on Bill


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON -- Slumping in the polls and struggling to pass climate and financial legislation, President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders are counting on an historic health care victory to buoy their electoral prospects in 2010.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been telling Democrats a win on the health issue will reverse the slide in public opinion, just as passage of another controversial proposal, the North American Free Trade Agreement, lifted President Bill Clinton in the polls.

Talk about a fantasy world! Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

The slide in public opinion is, in part, because of the HC issue.
The Democratic Socialist party takes over the country in 2010

Didn't you get the memo?
time for sanctions, and boycotting

'workers unite' no on...."Small Businesses Unite"
The Demoncratic Socialist party takes over the country in 2010

The healthcare Bill will pass on Christmas Eve
doncha think Osama will sign it?

stop being silly, by the end of 2010
the feds will control 100% of the economy
Go to cash/barter system, work with friends under the table, black market, max your exemptions, pay taxes quarterly. don't give the Obamanation one thin dime that you don't need to.

1/20/10 -- Nation-wide protest, don't got to work, don't buy anything.

....more in the worx.
Demonrats pwn you!

Do that and the very next day
the Osammie Administration will declare martial law
and herd you all into them FEMA camps.

Either is about as likely.
Re: The Demoncratic Socialist party takes over the country in 2010

The healthcare Bill will pass on Christmas Eve
doncha think Osama will sign it?

stop being silly, by the end of 2010
the feds will control 100% of the economy

Good and bad news...yes, the Senate version will pass on Christmas Eve 2009. Fortunately, (maybe) that's not the final version. It has to go to committee to be reconciled with the House version. Then they both must vote on the final bill.

I think we should start a simple movement (until Nov '10), email, snail mail or fax two words to every Senator & Congressman that voted for any version of this shit.


Senator Calls Two Thirds Of Americans Opposing Health Bill "Right-wing Militia" Racists

Steve Watson
Monday, Dec 21, 2009

Rhode Island Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse today called opponents of the Obamacare bill lunatic extremists during a floor speech, failing to account for the fact that in every leading opinion poll almost two thirds of Americans fall into that category.

"They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama." Whitehouse commented, adding "The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militias and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one."

Whitehouse cited an editorial by The relatively unknown Manchester Journal Inquirer in which the editor described the Republican party as being "dominated by the lunatic fringe", adding that it "has poisoned itself with hate."

Clearly, both the Senator and the bastions of journalistic integrity at the Manchester Journal Inquirer have not bothered to look at the latest opinion polls on the healthcare bill.

Had they done so they would have discovered that despite the progression of the legislation through the Senate, it is still highly unpopular with the American people.

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly tracking update shows that 41% of voters nationwide favor the bill and 55% are opposed. Those figures are essentially unchanged from a week ago. This the fifth straight week with support for the legislation between 38% and 41%.​

Almost two thirds of Americans oppose the bill in a poll from CNN eleven days ago, while 51% oppose in a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll.

An NBC/Wall St Journal poll found that just 32% believe the healthcare overhaul is a good idea, while only 36% pledged support in an AP-GFK poll.

When a journalist from the Washington Times approached Whitehouse, he denied that he was intimating that opponents of the healthcare bill were racist, and also denied that he'd even said the word "aryan".

According to Senator Whitehouse's logic, this means that 97% of the Washington Times' readers are virulent racists.

Senator Whitehouse's unfounded "racist" slur is yet another example of the establishment left playing the phony race card in an attempt to slant the debate.

Injecting the idea of discrimination in an effort to polarize a group of people is no different to actually engaging in the act of discrimination.

America as we once knew her...

The opposition (two thirds of the population) is lame beyond belief
no one is gonna do nuthin'

They will pass all this crud and that will be that.

Even if Republicans are elected they will just continue along with the program.

They don't wanna be called extremist right wing racist militia members ya know.
That's right. It's bad for the image.

Well, one positive...Mike Pence (R-IN) will beat Sen Evan Bayh by a landslide
Democrats become your masta's in 2010

Re: The Democratic Socialist party takes over the country in 2010

Didn't you get the memo?

I've heard the left is going to call "martial law" and suspend the election in '10.....Ad infinitum......

May allah bump this thread next Nov.
Re: The Democratic Socialist party takes over the country in 2010

I've heard the left is going to call "martial law" and suspend the election in '10.....Ad infinitum......
Oh that would be a hoot now wouldn't it. Simply said: that would be the biggest mistake ever.
Did Bush set it up where the president can declare martial law under a "national emergency" that was not defined?

Obama did declare a "national emergency" due to H1N1. So, technically speaking, he could declare martial law on a whim.
