Democrats Pin 2010 Hopes on Bill

Re: America as we once knew her...

The opposition (two thirds of the population) is lame beyond belief
no one is gonna do nuthin'

They will pass all this crud and that will be that.

Even if Republicans are elected they will just continue along with the program.

They don't wanna be called extremist right wing racist militia members ya know.

Nullification (see thread) might be the answer.

.....Without probing further it’s hard to say, but like the post-Iraq War opposition to George W. Bush, the first-year opposition to President Obama has included a lot of rhetoric about the president’s supposed violations of the Constitution.

With Bush, it was war-related; with Obama, it’s Glenn Beck critiques like “where in the Constitution does the president have the right to take over a car company?”
Impeachment may not be necessary. Last I heard, Obama has trial on January 26, 2010 for his place of birth.
frankly I am upset with how having 60 senators has gone to the democrats' heads.

i think it was Franklin or Jefferson who said "democracy dies when 51% of people realize that they can vote themselves money"

it's gone from "let's introduce fair legislation then adjust the terms until a majority agrees" where each side has to at leas try to appease the other in hopes of getting a bill passed... now it's "we have a majority, fuck everyone else, we're doing what we want with or without anyone else's support"

it's his "goal" to pass healthcare? bullshit. his job is to protect the interests of the american people as a whole, not to push his own goals or the goals of his political party.

With a 60% majority in the senate, a majority in the house, and the presidency, we're currently more of a constitutional monarchy then a democratic republic. our political system is designed to work on checks and balances, and prevent radical changes that many people oppose. On an issue this controversial, neither party should be able to pass legislation without tweaking it so at least a few members of the other party can agree with it.

IMO the way the Dems are acting about healthcare is absurd. they're not even attempting to get republican support on the issue, or please the majority of the country. Bush pretty much handed them the government on a silver platter after how badly he botched iraq, and I think most of the dems realize that this is their chance to make it big. 2010 rolls along and there's a pretty good chance that they're going to lose a 60-seat majority, so now it's become a race to push as many big-ticket reforms as possible while they still have the muscle to get it done. even tho this is probably a bad time for it.
Great Post Kid

So now even his lunatic left wing fringe supporters hate him?
I guess all he has left are the fat welfare mothers and
the black panthers?
Oh and some guy relegated to the Kiddie Korner.
In the end even minky will find it objectionable.

I guarantee you that as his purposeful policy actions
to destroy the economy gain momentum, more and more
people will be willing to go along and those that don’t
will suffer greater punishments than merely being called:

racist right wing extremist hate mongering Christian zealots.

The only question that remains is whether we will go quietly
in to the night or make noise as we are shoveled into the ovens?

But in the end the result will be the same, socialist mediocrity.

Long Live the Republic!!!
frankly I am upset with how having 60 senators has gone to the democrats' heads.

Elections have consequences. This is one of them.

“where in the Constitution does the president have the right to take over a car company?”

Hell, this bill specifically limits the pay on the upper echelon of Insurance company execs.

Wanna keep telling me its not communism in action?

we're all doomed.

The educated have historically fallen first & supported fascists only to be surprised when awaken. You're in good company.
Didn't Pol Pot kill the people that could read or wore glasses?
yer doomed Minks ;)

Osammie won't kill ya he'll just enslave ya by taxation.
Oh ain't it great irony the white nation sold into
economic slavery by a half black Kenyan community organizer?

Don’t tell me gawd doesn’t have a sense of humor!