Democrats to Urge Iraq Exit


New Member
It's funny that this dem sez America cannot save Iraq from itself but the dems do what they can to save Americans from the same fate...
The Bush administration must tell Iraq that U.S. troops will begin withdrawing in four to six months, the next chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said Wednesday, as Congress began re- examining U.S. policy in the wake of last week's Democratic election victory.
"We cannot save the Iraqis from themselves. The only way for Iraqi leaders to squarely face that reality is for President Bush to tell them that the United States will begin a phased redeployment of our forces within four to six months," Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said at the outset of a hearing featuring the top U.S. commander in the Middle East.
If only we had bombed them (like Bosnia) and stayed oput, all would be well.

Upon exiting Iraq, before finishing the job, the Demoncrats will have fulfilled thier lifelong make the word of the USA worthless. Something unimaginable before the peace movement.

I'm doing my part to stop this but I'm outnumbered. My apologies to the rest of the world.
If only we had bombed them (like Bosnia) and stayed oput, all would be well.

Upon exiting Iraq, before finishing the job, the Demoncrats will have fulfilled thier lifelong make the word of the USA worthless. Something unimaginable before the peace movement.

I'm doing my part to stop this but I'm outnumbered. My apologies to the rest of the world.

maybe finishing the job does mean at least significantly reducing our daily, felt presence there. pull back to bases. let iraqis fight it out themselves. "freedom" don't mean shit when it's a handout, right? make 'em work for it. see what happens.

...and stop spending billions upon billions so those fuckers can have a bunch of tribal pissings and other local bullshit. fuck that.

the iraq occupation: the worst economic decision ever.

hey maybe next we can pay to stabilize africa and keep the bad guys out of there, eh? plenty of asshole dictators to whack. plenty of oil too.
Upon exiting Iraq, before finishing the job, the Demoncrats will have fulfilled thier lifelong make the word of the USA worthless. .

Bush and Cheney did that when he said they were a threat and had WMDs and all those other lies that got us there in the first place.

Rumsfeld did that when he said it certainly wouldn't take two years and would cost $50-60 billion.

Don't blame the Dems for the Bush administration's lies.

Feb. 7, 2003 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, to U.S. troops in Aviano, Italy: "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months."

March 4, 2003 Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a breakfast with reporters: "What you'd like to do is have it be a short, short conflict. ... Iraq is much weaker than they were back in the '90s," when its forces were routed from Kuwait

March 11, 2003 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars: "The Iraqi people understand what this crisis is about. Like the people of France in the 1940s, they view us as their hoped-for liberator

Good one! :nono:

March 16, 2003 Vice President Cheney, on NBC's Meet the Press: "I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. ... I think it will go relatively quickly, ... (in) weeks rather than months."

In September, Cheney said on NBC's "Meet the Press": "If we're successful in Iraq . . . then we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11."

Speaking about Iraq's alleged links to al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks, Cheney connected Iraq to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by saying that newly found Iraqi intelligence files in Baghdad showed that a participant in the bombing returned to Iraq and "probably also received financing from the Iraqi government as well as safe haven." He added: "The Iraqi government or the Iraqi intelligence service had a relationship with al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s."

The modern dems don't see the value of a good upper cut...

I disagree. As long as the people involved are Republicans, the Democrats are always down for a good scrap.

BTW...weren't they promising to actually listen to the military leaders at election time?

Gen Abizaid: We can do this...
Democrats: Naaaahhh. Lets just run along home...
hey maybe next we can pay to stabilize africa and keep the bad guys out of there, eh?

We already sent the Marines to Monrovia.

Nah, the Republicans are the ones that don't want to listen to new ideas,

The Republicans would love to hear new ideas. You guys have been using the same old ones for going on 50 years.
They don't want hear new ideas. They're being forced to consider new ideas now but still reluctant as seen in the video.
We already sent the Marines to Monrovia.

The Republicans would love to hear new ideas. You guys have been using the same old ones for going on 50 years.

remind me to tell you how i voted in the recent election.
straight Libertarian here (with the ocassional (R) filler)

not too far from what i did. not much in the way of federal stuff on my ballot. just voted for one (L), and one (I) where there was no (L) and the (R) and (D) were milquetoast. but the more local ballot issues were where i kinda surprised myself. voted against anything that sounded like a tax (e.g. new bus funding), against anything that sounded like a restriction on civil liberties (there was a "four foot rule" proposed for strip clubs, just silly), and in favor of landowners when nearby govt projects cause their land to lose value.