
Was finally able to mow today. It was seriously overgrown and still wet. What normally is 3 bags of clipping for a whole lawn became 7... and since it was wet, it clogged up constantly. I actualy ran aground upon sandbars of lush grass and was only able to chip away at it in small sections.

This incessant rain has made the weeds and kudzu go batshit. It hasn't been dry in 2 months. The very air around my yard had this musty rotting vegetation stench. Theres no telling how much mold and dead whatever is underneath it all.
funny you mentioned kudzu.
There used to be a big patch here, and I thought it was going to take over,
then it totally died, not hardly any to be found now.
I'm not loosing any sleep over it, though it is kinda weird. I never knew that
stuff to die easily. :alienhuh:
I've never known it to be able to die. Perhaps you should have the soil tested for nuclear plague flatworms or something.
You ought to try keeping a pool swimmable in this shit. I've vaccumed more in the past week than all of last year, and I'm going through shock like there's no tomorrow.
HomeLAN said:
You ought to try keeping a pool swimmable in this shit. I've vaccumed more in the past week than all of last year, and I'm going through shock like there's no tomorrow.
as i've always said- "it is better to have a friend with a pool than have a pool yourself."
I usually only sink about 1 hour a week into it. No big deal.

This week, it's been more like 7. Oh, well, short term.

We gonna see you folks Sunday?
HomeLAN said:
I usually only sink about 1 hour a week into it. No big deal.

This week, it's been more like 7. Oh, well, short term.

We gonna see you folks Sunday?
yeah, rob tells me not 5 minutes after i leave malory's bathing suit at school that we are invited. oh well, i need to buy new ones anyway. do you think the pool is warm enough for me yet?
Not with all the damn rain. If it stays clear tomorrow (temps are supposed to hit 90), it well may be.
cool beans! do we need to bring anything? tell karen we are hooked on that new barilla penne plus...or whatever it's called. need to make it for us. we have purchased it for ourselves. just thank her for turning us on to does make one poo a bit more than usual, eh?....i know, i know, :tmi:
unclehobart said:
Was finally able to mow today. It was seriously overgrown and still wet. What normally is 3 bags of clipping for a whole lawn became 7... and since it was wet, it clogged up constantly. I actually ran aground upon sandbars of lush grass and was only able to chip away at it in small sections.

This incessant rain has made the weeds and kudzu go batshit. It hasn't been dry in 2 months. The very air around my yard had this musty rotting vegetation stench. Theres no telling how much mold and dead whatever is underneath it all.
It's still a little wet here today, but I decided to give it a go with the push mower.
I got a 1/8 acre cut, and it quit. I put another plug in it, but no dice.
I just pulled the shroud, and see now where the coil has been scrubbing the
flywheel. That's just a little to close on the adjustment. :D.
I'm going to set the adjustment, and try it again. It's a good thing I have
plenty of spare parts here, as I may have to switch it out.
We just got a little sprinkle a few minutes ago. Maybe it'll hold off a little longer. :alienhuh:
I'm going to whip out the dremel and give the blades a little sharpening. It didn't feel like it was slicing the grass so much as it was beating it to death.
I juuust managed to get the pool filters swapped and pressure washed before it - you guessed it- started to rain again.
Hurricane! Hurricane! Hurricane!

That's all I heard last week. Shit, I drove thru harder rain in the desert southwest. All that talk about a little thunderstorm. What the hell? ;)
It ain't the hardness that hurtin' me, it's the frequency.

I had to do a carb job on the mower, besides the ignition, but it's
runnig like a top now, and I'm about done mowing now,
for this round. :swing: