Describe your day


New Member
What do you have to get done today?

I have to do laundry and fold it, pick up a car with a friend, do a shower and a shave, all followed by band stuff from about 430 pm until past midnight as we have a gig tonight in downtown Atlanta. The early part of my day is quite calm as I am just putting the laundry through the machines in order to get enough to bother folding in the first place.
i have laundry to do, a bathroom to clean, patio chairs to clean, boxes to tape up.....and a nap to take....all in all i am getting ready to move.
unclehobart said:
Need help?
i suppose that's a matter of opinion.......;) i've done it all by myself so far...packing and way i can do the rest by gonna help?
Make up sheets for the league, run the league, go to a wake for a coworker who passed away Thursday, then go to my cousin's 3rd birthday party.
I'll retell my day instead because of the timezones and all...
Basically, i slacked off. Woke up around 10-11am, fiddled with the puter for a while... Went for a walk(ok, more like petting) with my girlfriend... Slacked off some more, played a little SimCity4.
Took ten minutes of my valuable slacking-time to help my family organize some stuff for a garage sale. Slacked off even more than i thought was humanly possible. Had some noodles for lunch at around 3pm while the slackness reached unexpected heights.
Watched a few AMVs and posted a little on misc forums. Had an "all-American"(at least that's what the manufacturer claimed:rolleyes:) pan pizza for dinner, which i ate while slacking off at a swedish hardware-forum. I then proceeded to post a little here and i plan to watch a movie later... Maybe "Like the Clouds, Like the Wind"? Who cares.
What matters is that i slack off to the max now, 'cause i'm going back to school on Monday. :(
wake up early and sometimes ill shower in the morn or after class
go to class
get back to dorm and sleep
wake up agan
if evening classes(mondya and wednesdya) go to class

what's left of today:
- be lazy
- read a bit.
- watch some episodes of friends (1st season).
- sleep

- go to the movies.
- *has no further plan*
1. Knew I'd be putting new hard drive in mom's comp, so burned a few useful utilities to cd before

2. picking her up at the airport at 9 AM.

3. Bought mom breakfast (flight 45 mins. late) on the way to Decherd (100 or so miles the other direction from the airport).

4. Installed drive, copied all files, etc.

5. Pulled her cheap little cd-stereo apart to see what was wrong (cd servo motor, I'm checking into it).

6. Drove back to Murfreesboro, arrived about 3:45.

7. Logged on here and screwed with Gonz :)

Now, I have to make dinner (ham steaks and baked taters) and do at least one load of laundry so Dara has uniforms for work tomorrow.

Note that I did go outside and play with the dogs for a while.

Woke up.

Shave, shower and a shampoo

Fed cats then changed cat litter (a delightfull job first thing of a morning).

Fed self.

Phoned the fraggles to make sure they are ok to work tomorrow.

Phoned Market to make sure my pitch is booked for tomorrow.

Went to the warehouse.......bought a few bits and bobs.

Went grocery shopping.

Ate lunch.

Pestered friend until she made me coffee and we had a coupla hours natter.

Went home. Painted a bit. Wrote a bit. Read a bit.

Fed cats. Changed cat litter.

Sat in front of the puter.....arsed around on internet.

Ate dinner.

Sat in front of the computer, replied to emails, arsed around on internet........still here.

Not exactly a lifestyle of the rich and famous :eh:
Work, eat tacos (in a few minutes), then go over and do some security updates on the servers and finish installing my friends in-home sound system.
tonks said:
i have laundry to do, a bathroom to clean, patio chairs to clean, boxes to tape up.....and a nap to take....all in all i am getting ready to move.
never got around to those chairs...i'll do them tomorrow.
I just kinda go through my days in a haze these past few days...I could prolly make myself recall my day but it'll be painful...
It began dark. A sky full of lifeless, grey clouds. As far as the eye could see, which wasn't far since it was dark. I then decided it was time to retire for teh night. I had along and arduous day, first the MRI, then the EMG-which is extremely uncomfortable.

I awoke to the sound of silence. The, normally, noisy neighbors hadn't gotten around to their Saturday chores, usually begun right outside our bedroom window and my wife & son were still asleep. As I emptied my bladder (did I really drink that much tea last night?), I stopped by the refrigerator to get a Pepsi while I awaited the teapot's boiling.

I scurried downstairs (always enjoyed that word-scurry-for no reason whatsoever) to the computer so I could make sure my Kings of Chaos gold hadn't been stolen in an early morning raid. This time I was lucky. Over 650k in virtual gold awaiting me, a pleasant surprise. I purchased a few needed items and checked another members account in case he had also overslept. (I fail to recall the outcome). Time to check Lords of Legend & NationStates. I'll check MechG later. All was well.

I had to look for some software so I could make a DVD copy of SouthPark:Bigger, Better, Uncut (or something like that) & that's all you need to know about that adventure. After successfully backing up the movie, I read my book. Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 for those of you not paying attention elsewhere. Very disturbing book when considering it's birth was previous to color television.

From then I mostly read, posted my never to be humble opinions, mainly in the RW, read, posted. (Cold wintery days in IN are hell on the psyche). I uninstalled & reinstalled the Zoo Tycoon collection for my son beacuse the damned thing kept crashing. It didn't help. Time for a mobo replacement methinks.

is that enough describing my day? I'm getting cranky :D
Tomorrow morning:

8 AM
Arrive at bowling alley

9 AM
First squad of tournament for the day

11:56 AM

12 PM
Second squad of the day (lousy mustard stains)

3 PM
Third and final squad of the day

5 PM
Count merchandise remaining and money, make sure everything balances

6 PM
Leave bowling alley

6:30 PM
Dinner somewhere

6:33 PM
Oh man, I really gotta... :dump: I've been holding that all day!

7:30 PM
Get home and post here

A few hours later... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

BTW, this'll be the 7th straight week of following this Sunday schedule, and next week will be the last, until next year...