Did I get enough?


New Member
Well, the spouse has one of those zero birthdays on Friday. Between my mom and her brother and I, we scraped together enough to get:

Canon Pwershot A520 4 MP digital camera
512 MB SD card for it
Canon ip6600 printer (W/USB cable)
Box of Godiva chocolates
First Season of Sex and the City on DVD
First Season of Desperate Housewives on DVD
I've lined up childcare and we'll go to dinner on Friday

Ladies, I need input. Is that enough, or do I need to find a way to dig deeper?
nice! BTW i still have the 2nd or 3rd season of that sex in the city show. i need to bring it to karen.
Sounds like you did pretty good! What type of place are you bringing her to? Dressy or dress casual? If you're worried that you should be doing something else, what about a gift certificate to a clothes store she likes to buy a new outfit for dinner?

Honestly, I think you did just fine. :)
Sounds like a good sizable pile of loot. :) I have four birthday presents waiting for me, but the BF hasn't woken up yet. :rolleyes: (I already know that one of 'em's a laptop, but dammit, WAKE UP ALREADY!!:grumpy: )
I scored major points with Christina with a dozen pink carnations the other day... but then again, it was for no reason.
Inkara1 said:
I scored major points with Christina with a dozen pink carnations the other day... but then again, it was for no reason.

I do that relatively often. I find that it keeps things niiiice and peaceful - just like I like it.
chcr said:
My wife would beg to differ. She'd rather a Lamborghini though.
well, let me put it another way. if rob gave me a ferrari for my birthday i would look in the trunk for the bowling ball with his name on it...because dude! that car isn't for me.
well I'm not a Lady, buuut...
A humorous birthday card on 0 BDs helps soften the blow a little. :nerd:
or maybe 2 one humorous, and one lovey dovey.
Romantic as in a basket of onion rings at the local putt-putt?...

or, romantic as in the all-you-can-eat steak buffet at the strip club?...

or, romantic as in the drive through window of a liquor store?

or, romantic as in lobster tails, candlelight, chamber music, and a frenchie waiter with a waxy moustache?
Somewhere between putt-putt and frenchy with the stache.

She hasn't yet told me where she wants to go, so I don't know whether I'll need to keep the suit on after work that day.
Professur said:
Joe's crab Shack?

I'd love that, but she's showing signs of what we think is a brand-new allergy - to shellfish. Maybe not.

Plenty o' time left, it's this Friday.