Did you ever...?


... sometime in your life, take toilet paper, moisten it, form a little glob, and throw it against the ceiling? :D It used to drive my mom insane.... :p
it sounds as thrill-a-minute & action-packed as throwing pencils into the ceiling tile :rolleyes:
I have done it at school but never in my own house. *Imagines the fit her mom woudl have* *runs away and hides*
no, not at ceilings.

at the schoolboards, just a few inches from the teachers head :cool:
god (wde), that was an art of its own! :)

and damned to know i mastered it :eek:
best thing: the kid 2 tables away from me was the one to blame :D

poor guy :D
Funny, they do the same thing in prisons here... wonder if there's any relation... :hmm:
ipmoof said:
Who has held the loose end and lobbed a bogroll into a tree? Much more fun I think... :)
Ah yes... being a homeowner now its been done to me twice. One of these days im going to hide in the bushes with a cattle prod and start batting some 13 y/o hoodlum ass about.
unclehobart said:
Ah yes... being a homeowner now its been done to me twice. One of these days im going to hide in the bushes with a cattle prod and start batting some 13 y/o hoodlum ass about.

What is fun, though somewhat mean, is to put dehydrated milk on someone's yard right before it rains.