Didja hear about this crazy crap at last nights game?


New Member

Apparently some lowlife 35 y/o dad and his 15 y/o kid leaped out of the stands and tried to maul the KC first base coach for apparently 'flicking them off', it was later claimed. Crazy world.
Yeah, I read it on CNN this morning...totally rediculous...


^ complete morons

3 minute ESPN interview/commentary with the assaulted coach. (audio stream)
watch the news. right after they attacked, the morons were attacked by a large group of rabid, underfed, losing, post-strike baseball players. Now comes the lawsuit "we were drunk, they are trained athletes who should have known better" boo-hoo
Still... it just doesn't compare to a nice old fashioned 3 tier 400 person soccer riot with tear gas, fire, and half a dozen deaths.
unclehobart said:
Still... it just doesn't compare to a nice old fashioned 3 tier 400 person soccer riot with tear gas, fire, and half a dozen deaths.


Except for the deaths that is...
Ok, I'll keep checking at ESPN for it myself. I'll post it up here if it's not too big.
PuterTutor said:
Ok, I'll keep checking at ESPN for it myself. I'll post it up here if it's not too big.

I got media player to open up with it, but then it said I couldn't open it. Damn NT4 box. I'll try it again when I get home.
got it. This is a link to ESPNs main page. 3/4 down on the right column is a green tab to launch their video index. Invoke it, set your speeds, choose the attack film from the rt colums to see it all in slo motion. http://msn.espn.go.com/main.html