Didn't pay off this time...


New Member
So, a 69% in chemistry is considered a C, and I need a C to get my credits. Well, in order to get that I had to get a 32/50 on the final, so I studied my ass off because my test average was a 60.

And I just found out I got a 26/50 on the test, giving me a 65% and a D. I'm just like...ugh, I want to die. I'm not retaking chemistry, I refuse. I'll get my science credit some other way. I'm kind of dumbstruck really.
More studying earlier might have helped. Sorry to hear about it. But at least if you retake the class, you'll already have learned most of it, so you can't help but pass.
So, think it's about time to really start studying?

Not trying to piss you off if you think you have, but this is college sweetie. Step it up.
I'm in deep myself this year. My brain has decided to call it quits and just goes
everytime I pick up a book. Not getting anything done. Blegh.

Of course, I've already completed my education and am just taking some extra crap, so I guess my brain feels it can get away with it.
I remember when I entered secondary school, I thought "wow, this is really harder than elementary".

Then I got to high school and thought: "wow, this is much much harder than secondary".
Then I entered uni and thought: "jeez, I don't belong here, this is for gifted people and just look at the grades I got from these tests". I got my thing together and decided that if I had excelled in elementary, secondary and high school, then I really was capable of doing this but that I wasn't doing it right. So I found my way and ended up with an total average grade of 92.2

Then I started a masters, and boy was that different. It got me studying harder and harder, but I got a 99 this time.

Then I started to teach and trust me, the ammount of study needed for all the degrees i've taken is nothing compared to this.

Moral: the more you climb, the harder it gets. You have two options, go in, or go back.
Luis G said:
I remember when I entered secondary school, I thought "wow, this is really harder than elementary".

Then I got to high school and thought: "wow, this is much much harder than secondary".
Then I entered uni and thought: "jeez, I don't belong here, this is for gifted people and just look at the grades I got from these tests". I got my thing together and decided that if I had excelled in elementary, secondary and high school, then I really was capable of doing this but that I wasn't doing it right. So I found my way and ended up with an total average grade of 92.2

Then I started a masters, and boy was that different. It got me studying harder and harder, but I got a 99 this time.

Then I started to teach and trust me, the ammount of study needed for all the degrees i've taken is nothing compared to this.

Moral: the more you climb, the harder it gets. You have two options, go in, or go back.

I learned this when I passed first year calc by a hair...literally...I had like 51 (50 is a pass)...I then got my shizz together and now have an A average :)
Why is 69 percent a passing grade? That's always been a "D" in just about every class I've had at every level. With that, I'm REALLY wondering how a 51 percent could be "passing."

I never flunked a class in my whole life until I met my ex-wife.
PT said:
So, think it's about time to really start studying?

Not trying to piss you off if you think you have, but this is college sweetie. Step it up.

Yeah, I learned the hard way. I went in thinking it was going to be fine because I did great in high school and barely studied. I really learned my lesson.
50 % is considered a passing grade here as well. In saying that, I generally average an A- (post-grad). In my first year of uni, I averaged a B-. It's a transition that's for sure.
What happened to...

!00% = A+
90-99% =A
89-80% = B
79-70% = C
69-60% =D
59% or lower = DUMBASS
Bah I just lost my reply :mad:

90-100% = A+
80-89% = A
70-79% = B
60-69% = C
50-59% = D

Now if one were to write a test from the states and a test from Canada one would find the generally the mark on the US test would be about 10% higher thus resulting in the same LETTER grade. We did this in grade 11 math one time...we all ended up with about 10% higher on the American test but when converted using the American grading system it was the same letter grade as we were receiving in the class.
Gonz said:
How the hell can anyone flunk out of school?

Because getting a 50 here takes about the same work as a 60 there...also inorder to progress from first year engineering into a second year program you must have over 50 in all courses but have a 60 average...also, if you flunk two courses in a year AND you are lucky enough to be reinstated you have to repeat every course in that year in which you got less than like 65...