Didn't pay off this time...

Nixy said:
Bah I just lost my reply :mad:

90-100% = A+
80-89% = A
70-79% = B
60-69% = C
50-59% = D

Now if one were to write a test from the states and a test from Canada one would find the generally the mark on the US test would be about 10% higher thus resulting in the same LETTER grade. We did this in grade 11 math one time...we all ended up with about 10% higher on the American test but when converted using the American grading system it was the same letter grade as we were receiving in the class.

Well, I may just have a lucky break. The average for the final was a 57%. With that factored in, the average final grade is a 66%, 3% below passing. With any luck, there will be a 3% curve, taking my grade to a 70%.
Ah, but I wouldn't anyway. No matter what my transcript would say I failed, so I want to go with something like astronomy instead. If I have to retake science, it may as well be something I like.