difference between a girl from France and a girl from the US

Luis G

Staff member
The french girl:

I would have found this funny 2 years ago.

No doubt the French girl is...well damn fine looking (good lord that is a sweet ass) but that badly timed picture of the overweight American woman speaks nothing of her character. French women are obese as well and American women have rediculiously hot bodies as well (damn that French girl is seriously hot). Well ofcourse that is obvious but even after observing that fact and common knowledge I do not find that funny but rather disappointing and a sad evidence of the humorist's poor nature as a humorist...his/her personal character is not to be judged by me.

The joke itself is weak, obviously, but the real disappointing aspect is how low the humorist went to gain a cheap laugh. After horribly generalizing he/she loses all credibility in his/her work. The joke is of little to no caliber and requires very little knowledge of anything...it fails for me. It does not present any sly wit or a raunchy display of absurdity of life, instead it simply harps on the idiocy of comedy, which is to represent laughter through difference of size.

ha ha...I didn't laugh.
It's alright BCD, as long as we can play fair & add Mexican wimins

I thought it was funny, Luis, because it is all too true. Yes, there are attractive women in the US, and overweight women in France. Fact is, there is an epidemic of obesity in this country and you're more likely to see the scenario Luis posted than the reverse. :shrug:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I thought it was funny, Luis, because it is all too true. Yes, there are attractive women in the US, and overweight women in France. Fact is, there is an epidemic of obesity in this country and you're more likely to see the scenario Luis posted than the reverse. :shrug:

Someone with a sense of humour :wink2: :clap:

Gonz, if you had found a pic of that woman in the same position as the others it would have been funny...but you didn't so :tomato:
Yum @ the french girl, :lol: at the joke... BCD, how about loosening up? Just a little? For me? :)
Kawaii said:
Yum @ the french girl, :lol: at the joke... BCD, how about loosening up? Just a little? For me? :)

Sorry, I have a comedy class where we analyze why we laugh instead of just laughing. The man questions us on why we laugh and next time to look at ourselves in an objective light when we do laugh and see what is REALLY funny about the joke.

I did and I realized that there was nothing particulairly funny but rather depressing.

I smiled the first time I looked at it, second time around it wasn't so funny.
Might I suggest one last "Kill the Joke" class. Enter it with a fully loaded .44 & leave with one less professor & one less bullet.
IDLEchild said:
Sorry, I have a comedy class where we analyze why we laugh instead of just laughing. The man questions us on why we laugh and next time to look at ourselves in an objective light when we do laugh and see what is REALLY funny about the joke.

I did and I realized that there was nothing particulairly funny but rather depressing.

I smiled the first time I looked at it, second time around it wasn't so funny.

A comedy class? Is that for film making or something, so you learn what people find funny & why they laugh about certain things in order that you may produce things appealing to more people?
AlphaTroll said:
A comedy class? Is that for film making or something, so you learn what people find funny & why they laugh about certain things in order that you may produce things appealing to more people?

No it is thought by this brilliant man who just does this as part time fun job....which leads me to.....

Gonz said:
Might I suggest one last "Kill the Joke" class. Enter it with a fully loaded .44 & leave with one less professor & one less bullet.

....He is not a uptight comedy nazi. He actually has a wonderful sense of humor but he does teach us that even laughing has a purpose behind it and that simply being entertained by a joke is not enough...learn about yourself through examining why you do what you do. What he finds funny is quite on the opposite spectrum of what I find funny but still he tells us that even though his preference is different that does not mean we have to conform to his likings. Keep laughing at what we do but realize why....and maybe, just maybe, we'll grow as person just by little observation.
But what is the class in aid of? Is it just a course as part of something else you are studying? Or is it just something that you go to in order to kill time?

IMO humour isn't something that needs to be critically analyzed all the time, it's just something that's part of you in the same way your likes / dislikes for certain things are - you don't question why you like certain colours more than others everytime you wear something in that particular shade.
AlphaTroll said:
But what is the class in aid of? ?

A grade.

IMO humour isn't something that needs to be critically analyzed all the time, it's just something that's part of you in the same way your likes / dislikes for certain things are - you don't question why you like certain colours more than others everytime you wear something in that particular shade.

True, but if I said that to myself everytime I saw a joke then I get nowhere. I found this as an oppertunity to do what he suggested and realized he was right. Simply laughing this off and going to sleep would have been easy enough but I actually took the time and realized how faulty the humor was. It tries to be socially corrective humor (the most popular form for decades) but it fails on many levels. Yes, it is a glaring example of the ever growing problem of U.S obesity but to point this out it uses an cliche example of a beautiful girl....personally seeing a picture of Ronald Mcdonald greeting a class or bright eyed elementary school kids is a much more horrifying albeit humorous example.

You laugh at the level of your concious...I'd like to think mine took some steps of height through this anal analyzation.

It is not about being uptight or a prude, I am jestful person and I do have a sense of humor...It is funny, but only for so long before its fallcy hits me.
Mr. Luis...I've seen French girls, and I know french girls. That is no French girl. :grinno: She has a nice bod, to be sure, but the French girls I know are rail-thin. Almost anorexic. Perhaps she's from Spain...but not France. (I'm sure to hear from A-13 on this, too...;) )
IDLEchild said:
Sorry, I have a comedy class where we analyze why we laugh instead of just laughing. The man questions us on why we laugh and next time to look at ourselves in an objective light when we do laugh and see what is REALLY funny about the joke.

I did and I realized that there was nothing particulairly funny but rather depressing.
Good luck finding a politically correct joke. All of them ar more or less depreciatory in some manner...
The french lass looks gorgeous.......the american one, doesn't :eh:

But after a coupla dozen beers.....who cares? :D