Well, I would agree, a 2 megapix or higher should be fine. I have an older Fuji 2.1, I've had it for a couple years, and I have no complaints. You must have at least 3x optical zoom. You will hate yourself if you don't get it. I wouldn't consider anything with out it. Fujis seem to give you the most bang for the buck. You should be able to find a 2.1 megapix with a 3x optical zoom for around $180 if you check pricewatch.com. Better models from Fuji still offer almost all the features of the more expensive brands at a much lower price as well. You may want to look into these. I would have never thought of a Fuji myself. Someone over at HWC (nevertoomuchram) recomended this one to me back in the day and it was a perfect choice. My uncles has one of the newer Sonys it should be Model: DSC-S85, and that clearly has better low light capabilities than mine, and the resolution at over 4 mp is really good as well. However, high resolution really gobbles up your memory card quick (even at 128mb). Even on my 2mp cam, I rarely use a setting above 1280x960. Thats good enough, and yeilds an average size of about 300 to 400k, which is still reasonably small. The print pretty damn close to photo quality in 3x5 and 4x6 even at this resolution. 8x10s aren't bad, but clearly aren't photo quality either.
I'd seriously look into the Fujis though thats what I'm gonna get AGAIN when I decided to get a 4mp or higher model. Its hard to beat the price, and you can save a bundle more going to pricewatch instead of speaking with a salesman!!! Ok, speak with them, just don't buy from them!!!
Ok price watch has the FinePix 2400 (an old model, the one I have actually) for $157, and the new model the FINEPIX2600 for $175.
I would probalby not consider the older one, even though its so cheap. There are quite a few improvements in the 2600 that makes it worth the extra $.
But if you still want a sony, they make very good products, maybe with more features, but of course for a lot more money. And even without you giving us the model number of the sony, I'm positive it doesn't have any optical zoom. Its not Sony's style to have any options on something so cheap. If they do, of course be sure to wait in line, its worth it!!! I mean $197 for a sony with 2.0 mp and a 3x optical zoom. Expect it to be missing the optical zoom though
btw, these Fujis are 3x optical zoom cameras, with 2.1mp and of course USB connections.
Also don't forget to factor in the price of a 128mb memory card, you are gonna need one almost certainly.
Oh, and if you haven't used one too much, remember they are almost worthless in low light, unless you are close to something for the flash to reflect off from. I made the mistake to take mine with me when i went to see some caverns. Only about 3 pictures out of around 100 are even halfway decent!!! Also, near dark pics tend to be way too dark to see anything. I hope newer models are better. The should be.