
Hmm... should I scare the newbie off by stealing his/her pants, or wait 'til he/she/it gets nice and comfortable. Hmm... decisions, decisions.
tonksy said:
miss a g and everyone gets their panties in a twist :p

No wonder you'rew missing the 'g'...you've got to remove the panties, not just twist them to get to the 'G' :D

G-spot that is...for the especially thick
MrBishop said:
No wonder you'rew missing the 'g'...you've got to remove the panties, not just twist them to get to the 'G' :D

G-spot that is...for the especially thick
well, see...i've taken to wearing G strings...maybe that's the trouble.
tonksy said:
well, see...i've taken to wearing G strings...maybe that's the trouble.
Well...that still leaves you with a tissue-issue... there's too much material between us and your soft-spot :D
BeardofPants said:
Cold snail trails finally got to you, huh? :lloyd: ;)
nah. i just like the tummy control :( i really can't think of another reason that i wear them. i just feel like i look better. the snail trail just isn't an issue. whatever piece of clothing you have up against your cootch is gonna get a trail...whether it's you panties or your pants. i wash everything i wear after i wear it.
*CB has distressing image of tonk's snail trails*

Stew! Pass the mind bleach... quickly! :sick:

Anyhoo... welcome... do stick around post losts and have fun!

*CB has warm feeling (no she hasn't pissed herself... again) from wishing everyone a nice welcome and upping her post count by 4!)
A.B.Normal said:
So is that why God gave women legs ,so they wouldn't leave a trail like a slug?

Hmm... I'd think the snail trail would be the least of our worries if wimmins had to drag themselves around by their genitalia.... :alienhuh: