Dirty bomb threat in Boston...

It was linked from Drudge report so there were probably a million people banging on the Boston Heralds door.
you dont like Boston Rob?

i'm not in Boston, but i'm close enough to be affected by something like that. if the threat actualy exists that is. the suspects are definately taking the long way around.
they are saying very little on the local news. playing it down. the Govenor has a news conference scheduled for sometime tonight.
Spot said:
you dont like Boston Rob?

i'm not in Boston, but i'm close enough to be affected by something like that. if the threat actualy exists that is. the suspects are definately taking the long way around.
I almost hated to say such a thing since I have never been there. I'm sure its a standard super city with x amount of wonderful vistas and views and x amount of snarled decay and graffiti. What I hate is what it represents. It is the big city within the state that represents what I feel to be the poster child of a democrat stronghold. Tax, spend, inflation, government dictatoral bloat. over regulation... and the vast army of lesser sires of what used to be the noble house of Kennedy ruling the land like a Tamminy Hall corruption money trough while the better part of the bloodline died in war or at the hands of assassins. Property taxes are what up there? Your state sales tax? Fuel cost? Prices at the grocery? ...and what do you get in return?
yup..that about sums it up. tho it is getting better.
the corrupt midget (Bulger. Billy, not Whitey) has been run out of office and run out of UMass-Boston, the speaker resigned and took a position in private industry before the indictments came out. the Govenor has eliminated a lot of no-show jobs and has consolidated a few notorious hack departments. welfare abuse is down considerably.
still have a way to go, but at least its in the right direction.
BOSTON — One of the 13 Chinese nationals allegedly involved in a terror plot against Boston was in custody and being questioned by authorities on Saturday, FBI sources told FOX News.

Authorities were interrogating Mei Xia Dong about her involvement in a possible terrorist plot (search) against Boston that was made public in an FBI report Friday. Airport and transit authorities responded to the report by boosting security — adding patrols, activating radiation detectors and posting pictures of some of the suspects.