Well-Known Member
Oh you mean kinda like branding people as "terrorist sympathizers" or "America haters" in an attempt to discredit them.
"Hey, we can throw labels at you but don't you dare throw them at us even when the guys has a questionably racist background"
"But yeah, we'll throw around labels like anti-christ, muslim, kenyan, eugenics, death panels, terrorist, killing grandma....but you guys don't call a questionable racist guy racist!"
Yeah, as for them.
Ok, does the fact that labelling any dissenters as anti-american, or racist, or ignorant has been done in the past make it OK to continue doing so? Maybe your dictionary has a different defintion of "change" than mine, because I kinda thought Obama promised not to participate in the same pointless idocy as Bush did. For someone who got elected on the platform of changing things for the better, saying "Well, we can keep name-calling, because that's what you guys did when Bush was in charge" doesn't really seem like a change for the better.
Ok, spike, you've found one article about the new leader of SCV possibly being racist. But as you've stated so many times, we shouldn't judge everyone based on their leaders. Wilson was associated with this organization. A few of the members are claiming that there is racism at the top. Does that mean he's a bigot? If one SCV member does something bad, should we say that everyone in the organization was involved in it?