Bubba said:
if i were making the decisions around here, i'd lock this thread and tell everyone to drop it.
You know, I actually agree.
For a thread sticking up for a poor defenseless child, I think this thread has gone on far long enough. It's a bit disappointing it never got much farther than "You said this" "No I didn't" "Yes you did *quote*" "No I didn't *quote**quote*" "Don't tell me to do stuff", but I think most everyone's got the general idea that Spirit wanted to convey.
Don't treat Altron differently because of his age, treat him differently because he's 99.9% weird

If he wants to play with the big kids, he'll need to learn how to use a dictionary or ask his parents when he encounters an adult word (just like everyone else did at one point). And if showing them this site makes them banish him from it, then so be it. Until that explicitly happens, I have to assume he's got parental permission (or at least parental apathy), thus I have to regard him as any other member on this board.

@ Altron*
(there ya go, Altron, feel at home now?

With that in mind, I think this thread should take a break, so *LOCK*