Divided America


Well-Known Member
. . . and of course its the conservatives fault that they have driven a wedge into the hearts and minds of the people. Even if it hasn't hapened yet, the DNC mind police know it will of course.

Democratic Nat'l Committee said:
'If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a 'pre-emptive strike''


Issue a press release

  • reviewing Republican tactics used in the past in your area or state.
  • Quoteing party/minority.civil rights leadership as denounceing tactics that discourage people from voting

Primw minority leadership to discuss the issue in the media; provide talking point.

balh, blah blah . . .

This is another fine example of what has been tearing this country apart. Making shit up designed to to drive a wedge in between the people for political gain.

I see this as the DNC using minorities and their leaders as tools. They are going to infuriate tens of thousands of people based on the possibility something has a potential.

More deceit and no one will call them on it of course because the Republicans are just so easy to dislike. (wonder why thaty is?)

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's not just a Dem or Rep ploy...it's a ploy for anyone in power, or wishing to gain it.

Divide and conquer. Lift and seperate...either way, you're manipulating boobs.
There are Americans
and then their are the enemies
of America.

Everyone knows that the Dems have sided
with America's enemies for years.

Red states RULE!!!
I disagree for the most part. I know they all do some manipulation, but one side continually goes way over the top and non one complains.

Most of the complaints brought about by the DNC etc. are just phoney bullshit designed to make the conservitives look bad based on zero truth.

I mean read that again and see who wrote and who is the villian. there is a pattern of this type attack that serve the sole purpose to divide this country and give fuel to hate and fear.

This is lock step with the memo that pulled from a govenment computer by an intern last year. Make shit up, trump interviews and notify the meadia and we will figure out a way to make it work later (in otherwerds make up more shit) :lol:

John Kerry entire campaign is based on fear
ResearchMonkey said:
I disagree for the most part. I know they all do some manipulation, but one side continually goes way over the top and non one complains.

Most of the complaints brought about by the DNC etc. are just phoney bullshit designed to make the conservitives look bad based on zero truth.

I mean read that again and see who wrote and who is the villian. there is a pattern of this type attack that serve the sole purpose to divide this country and give fuel to hate and fear.

This is lock step with the memo that pulled from a govenment computer by an intern last year. Make shit up, trump interviews and notify the meadia and we will figure out a way to make it work later (in otherwerds make up more shit) :lol:

John Kerry entire campaign is based on fear
So all that bullshit about me not being a good American because I don't like the current administration's policies, that was the liberals then? Sorry, two sides of the same coin, IMO.
So was accusation from an individual on a forum?

. . . or was it the result of a nationally distributed memo by the leadership of the GOP intended to cause the divide and further deepen the wound and re-inforce the belief ve that people from the opposing party simply can't be trusted as individual.

Dont you see they have already been talking this point up and and are preaparing to cause a rift even though nothing has happend, theres not even anything that would lead someone to think it might. . . other then this pre-emptive media blitz.

that is causeing national division for the purpose of political gain.
ResearchMonkey said:
So was accusation from an individual on a forum?

. . . or was it the result of a nationally distributed memo by the leadership of the GOP intended to cause the divide and further deepen the wound and re-inforce the belief ve that people from the opposing party simply can't be trusted as individual.

Dont you see they have already been talking this point up and and are preaparing to cause a rift even though nothing has happend, theres not even anything that would lead someone to think it might. . . other then this pre-emptive media blitz.

Come on, it has been on dozens of sites, in the news, at work, etc. I don't disagree about the liberals, but the conservatives are not without blame of their own. As I say, two sides of the same coin.

"If you don't agree with us 100% then you must be against us 100%" Both sides do it, and the sad thing is that there really aren't two sides.
Shjow something where the Conservative leadership has directed their people to create racial divison or other division based on creating and promoting an issue that will cause division before any transgression has even happened. This is what they accuse the GOP of, creating fear, hate and distrust.
You know, RM, I don't have specifics, nor time to research them now. The general feeling exists, whether or not you deny it. I read a column a few weeks ago by George Will commenting on it. Again and for the last time, IMO, two sides of the same coin (and the majority of Americans agree with most of neither). We're talking about two different things though.

You're either with us or against us. --George W. Bush

Doesn't get much plainer than that, does it?
So your interpitation of that statement is that if you as a citizen donh't support his poilcy you are the enemy?

You're either with us or against us. --George W. Bush
contextually speaking, GWB was addressing that statement to nations, not the American citizen.

way back when he said that is was for the purpose to show the solidarity of the American people that had been attacked. There was no public knowledge of any planned military action at that time.
ResearchMonkey said:
Shjow something where the Conservative leadership has directed their people to create racial divison or other division based on creating and promoting an issue that will cause division before any transgression has even happened. This is what they accuse the GOP of, creating fear, hate and distrust.

Gay marriage and same-sex unions
MrBishop said:
Gay marriage and same-sex unions
Ok those are both social issues that need to be resolved thru the political process.

Whereas on the other issue they are creating an issue of distrust before any transgession occurs . . . basically creating the notion that a transgression has occured and planning on making something fit the accusation later.

Your examples would be more akin to me saying: "you can't get married to a woman because you will become homosexual later at some point in you life." - - and then hoping that you might hug another male someday as being proof of it.

Two completely situation.

Chcr, did not you see/hear what GWB said during the debate?

GWB said:
But I'm mindful in a free society that people can worship if they want to or not. You're equally an American if you choose to worship an almighty and if you choose not to.

If you're a Christian, Jew or Muslim, you're equally an American. That's the great thing about America, is the right to worship the way you see fit.
Maybe, just maybe . . . other parties have repeatedly presented you with the concept that you are "less than" in the mind of GWB because he is christain and you're not. Maybe this also an attempt to cultivate a sense of hostility and division between you and the their opponet. And finally after years of repeating this to you, maybe you have become to acceot it as fact. (hypothetically speaking of course) Which is what I tend to believe is happening on several levels.

Can you show me what GWB has said or done to indicate to you that atheist are less equal then christians?
Goodness gracious

Bushy is a double threat to the godless communists

He's conservative AND believes in God.

Yup they have good reason to fear us REAL Americans!!!
"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God."
(George W. Bush)
Ahh Winky, thanks for reminding me why I ignored you before. Of course all atheists must be commies, you don't like 'em. Commies, liberals, democrats, atheists,etc. All evil, evil, evil. :rolleyes: This discussion has no intellectual merit nor redeeming qualities. Thanks for playing along...
"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God."

(allegedly said to Robert Sherman of American Atheist Press, at the Chicago airport while announcing federal disaster relief for Illinois)

Not one single other person heard it in a press crowded airport. Sorry, it's bullshit.